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The July Virtual Developers Event is for ONAP developers, by ONAP developers. Your contributions and needs are what will drive the agenda for all of these sessions.  To build the agenda for the we are soliciting Topics for discussion from the community.  Ideally these are questions that you need a deeper understanding of in order to make progress or deep-dive information sharing in a particular area.


A&AI & VF-C Discussion (Day 3 - Main Conf. Bridge)

OOM & MSB Interaction


Holmes Question on DCAE

  • Description: 
    • A couple of meetings have been held to help all relevant teams to get to know what to do and how to do them. But almost all meetings are based on abstract samples or workflows. The Holmes team has shared a concrete rule example with relevant teams. I'm not sure whether the example helped in understanding the mechanism of Holmes. If any questions remain, we want to make some further clarification as per the questions raised in the coming couple of days. Meanwhile, we're expecting concrete samples from the components which we are going to be interact with. Hopefully, I wish Policy, CLAMP and especially DCAE could share some details (concrete examples) with us during the virtual F2F meeting. We are eager to have a working example of the DCAE operation and flows so that Holmes can effectively integrate Holmes event/alarm correlation functionality into DCAE for Amsterdam.
    • We have to get a consensus on the deadline to provide API docs to each other so that we could start developing as soon as we can. At the moment, even if we want to get started, we don't know how.
    • We have to discuss about the workflow for delpoying Holmes independently. Through all the meetings we've had, we are now aware of the workflow of how to integrate Holmes with DCAE and how to collaborate with all the relevant conponents. It's time for us to figure out a breakthrough point for Holmes to be deployed in the standalone mode. We'll try our best to find a scheme to reuse the existing interfaces as many as possible so that we could avoid replications in API development.
  • Topic Leader: Guangrong Fu
  • Volunteer Note Taker: First Last  email
  • Link to data Source 
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Interested In Attending: 


Validation of Dependency Graph (Day 1 - Main Conf. Bridge)


VoLTE Use Case Control Loop Automation (Day 2- Main Conf. Bridge)


Security (Day 1 - Main Conf. Bridge)


VoLTE Service Design and Instantiation (Day 2 - Main Conf. Bridge)

  • Description: Discuss the details of service design and instantiation for VoLTE use case:
      1. VNF template format (TOSCA/HEAT)
      2. vEPC and vIMS VNFs onboarding
      3. Network service design for data center interconnect network (underlay and overlay), and network between 2 VNFs
      4. SDC output artifacts (content and format)
      5. VoLTE service instantiation
