Project Name | Enter the name of the project |
Target Release Name | M1 Amsterdam Release |
Project Lifecycle State | Incubation.( Refer to ONAP Charter, section 3.3 Project Lifecycle for further information) |
Participating Company | AT&T, Amdocs, Reliance Jio, ZTE. |
What is this release trying to address?
Create CLAMP is a framework platform for designing and managing Control Loops.managing control loops. It is used to design a closed loop, configure it with specific parameters for a particular network service, then deploying and undeploying it. Once deployed, the user can also update the loop with new parameters during run time, as well as suspending and restarting it
Use Cases
The use case cases that this release is targeted for are the management of the control loops for : vDNS, vFW, vVoLTE, vCPE
Minimum Viable Product
Describe the MVP for this release.The minimum viable product that we aim to reach within R1 is to have the CLAMP application at least manage one type of control loop
List the functionalities that this release is committing to deliver by providing a link to JIRA Epics and Stories. In In the JIRA Priority field, specify the priority (either High, Medium, Low). The priority will be used in case de-scoping is required. Don't assign High priority to all functionalities.
Jira Legacy server System Jira columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution maximumIssues 20 jqlQuery project=clamp and issuetype in (epic) serverId 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176
Jira Legacy server System Jira columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution maximumIssues 20 jqlQuery project=clamp and issuetype in (story) serverId 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176
Longer term roadmap
Indicate at a high level the longer term roadmap. This is to put things into the big perspective.
The long term goal is to reach a common platform for managing control loops within ONAP :
CLAMP is a platform for designing and managing control loops. It is used to design a closed loop, configure it with specific parameters for a particular network service, then deploying and undeploying it. Once deployed, the user can also update the loop with new parameters during runtime, as well as suspending and restarting it.
It interacts with other systems to deploy and execute the closed loop. For example, it pushes the control loop design to the SDC catalog, associating it with the VF resource. It requests from DCAE the instantiation of microservices to manage the closed loop flow. Further, it creates and updates multiple policies in the Policy Engine that define the closed loop flow.
The ONAP CLAMP platform abstracts the details of these systems under the concept of a control loop model. The design of a control loop and its management is represented by a workflow in which all relevant system interactions take place. This is essential for a self-service model of creating and managing control loops, where no low-level user interaction with other components is required.
At a higher level, CLAMP is about supporting and managing the broad operational life cycle of VNFs/VMs and ultimately ONAP components itself. It will offer the ability to design, test, deploy and update control loop automation - both closed and open. Automating these functions would represent a significant saving on operational costs compared to traditional methods.
Release Deliverables
Indicate the outcome (Executable, Source Code, Library, API description, Tool, Documentation, Release Note...) of this release.
Deliverable Name | Deliverable Description |
CLAMP Docker container | Docker images available on nexus3 |
Source Code | Code of the Designer and runtimerun time of CLAMP |
There is no currently no sub-components in CLAMP, the R1 application embeds both the designer and runtime parts.
ONAP Dependencies
The other ONAP projects CLAMP depends on are:
- SDC : Rest based interface exposed by the SDC, Distribution of service to DCAE
- DCAE: Rest based interface exposed by DCAE, Common Controller Framework, DCAE microservices onboarded (TCA, Stringmatch, Holmes (optional))
- Policy: Rest based interface (the Policy
- team provide a "jar" to handle the communication), both XACML and Drools PDP, APIs to App-C/VF-C/SDN-C
- DMaaP: Message bus within DCAE and cross-ONAP
- VNF use cases : defines what type(s) of control loop(s) can be implemented and configured by CLAMP
High level architecture diagram
Anyone reading this section should have a good understanding of all the interacting modules.
Architecture Alignment
- Below we show how the CLAMP application fits into ONAP. The red figure below shows the CLAMP application components. There is a design portion and an operations component, which are both deployed within ONAP portal.
•CLAMP is separated in 2 areas, which are currently (in seed code) both supported by a single application:
- Design Time(Cockpit/UI to define the templates)
- Templates are pushed to SDC. The template format is TOSCA blueprint, those blueprints will be pushed/provisioned, by SDC, to DCAE orchestration engine.
- policies (configuration and operational policies) are pushed/provisioned towards the Policy Component of ONAP. (those policies will be triggered by DCAE during Closed Loop operations).
- The DCAE team needs to provide models to Policy team in order for the Configuration policy to be built.
- Run time(DCAE-Policy, grabbing events and triggering policies based actions)
- In the first release of CLAMP, the triggering to deploy(and then effectively start the closed loop) a blueprint will be manual (via CLAMP cockpit) an automatic deployment based on an event will come in future release.
- The CLAMP cockpit will support the following action at runtime:
- start (start the provisioned Closed Loop on DCAE)
- stop (stop a provisioned Closed loop on DCAE)
CLAMP will thus control the typical following control loop flow within ONAP :
API Incoming Dependencies