- Describe the functionality proposed.
- NFV-O Component,
- compliant with ETSI NFV MANO architecture and information model,
- providing resource orchestration and full life cycle management and FCAPS for NS,
- providing standard south bound interface to VNFMs,
- providing north bound interface to SO, to take part in fulfilling the orchestraion and operation of end2end service,
- providing interface and work with DCAE and Policy for Close Loop Automation.
- VNFM Component,
- compliant with ETSI NFV MANO architecture and information model
- providing full life cycle management and FCAPS for VNFs which do not require a vendor VNFM,
- providing interface and work with NFV-O component, to take part in fulfiiling the LCM and FCAPS management of NS,
- providing interface and work with DCAE and Policy for Close Loop Automation.
- NFV-O Component,
- Specify any interface/API specification proposed,
- Provide interfaces to Policy
- Provide interfaces to SO
- Provide interfaces to Portal/VID
- Provide interfaces to Vendor VNFM
- Use vendor VNFM interfaces
- Use Multi-VIM interfaces
- Use A&AI interfaces
- Use SDC interfaces
- Identity a list of features and functionality will be developed.
- features
- compliant with ETSI NFV MANO architecture and information model
- providing standard south bound interface to VNFMs
- take part in end2end service orchestration by working with SO
- take part in close loop automation by working with DCAE and Policy
- functionalities
- resource orchestration and full life cycle management and FCAPS for NS
- full life cycle management and FCAPS for VNFs
- Identify what is in or out of scope. During the development phase, it helps reduce discussion.
- end2end service orchestration is out of scope for VF-C
Identify the usecase in the Release 1
- (obselete)Use Case: VoLTE (vIMS + vEPC)
- VNF onboarding
- Network service deployment automation
- Network service termination automation
- Framework for integration with vendor provided VNFM
mailing list tag [vfc]
Please refer to the table above.
*Link to TSC approval:
Link to approval of additional submitters: