Project Name:
ONAP components need to talk with external systems such as VIM/VNFM/SDNC/EMS to orchestrate a network service, for example, SO/VF-C need to talk with VIM to allocate resource and VNFM to deploy a VNF. So they should get the information of available external systems from a registry before call the Interfaces of these external systems. ESR provides a service to centralized management of the information (name, vendor, version, acess end point, etc.) of external systems. So the ONAP components can get the system information with unified API from a logical single point.
Note: This project is proposed to be a sub-project of A&AI.
- This project provides a service to centralized management of external systems.
- Register/query/update/delete function of external system, such as VIM/VNFM/EMS/SDN Controller. Users can register/update/delete external systems to ESR with register API. And Multi-Vim/SO/VF-C/APPC, for example, can query and talk to external systems with the query API.
- Provide a portal to manage the external systems.
- This project will also check whether the external systems are reachable, and store the health status. So that other components can determine whether the systems are available based on the status.
- Primary Contact Person: Zi Li
- Names, gerrit IDs, and company affiliations of the committers
- Contributors
Zi Li
Qi Sun
Liang Qin - Project Roles (include RACI chart, if applicable)
Zi Li
Qi Sun
*Link to TSC approval:
Link to approval of additional submitters: