To aid the ONAP project through the release process, The TSC will elect a Release Manager to oversee all aspects of project development, cross project coordination, and the timely creation of release artifacts according to the ONAP Release-1 plan and schedule.
- Experience with open source release management a plus
This position may be held by anyone in the ONAP community Only the TSC votes on the candidates.
The election process occurs in two phases; the Nomination phase, and the Election phase.
Nominations open May 31st, 2017.
Nominations close June 7th at 9:00pm Pacific Time
Voting begins June 8th, 2017
Voting Ends June 15th, 2017 at 9:00pm Pacific Time
Nomination Phase
An email is sent from the Election Coordinator (Phil Robb) to the TSC and discuss distribution lists for ONAP and the subject line is tagged with the keywords [ONAP RELEASE MANAGER ELECTION].
Any member of the ONAP community may nominate themselves to stand for election. Note that no one can nominate another person to run for election.
To submit a nomination, the community member must reply-all to the original nomination email stating their interest to stand for the election.
All nominees are invited to provide their Picture, Biography, and Statement of Intent for the election wiki page so that members of the TSC, and the community, can learn more about the candidate and their intentions for the role of Release Manager. The nominee ordering on the election wiki page will be in ascending alphabetical order by last name.
The length of the Nomination phase is at least 5 business days. This clock starts when the email described above is sent.
Election Phase
Immediately upon the close of the Nomination Phase, an email will be sent from the Election Coordinator (Phil Robb) via the Condorcet Internet Voting Service (CIVS) to each TSC member. This email will have the subject line: “Poll: ONAP RELEASE MANAGER ELECTION”. This email acts as an invitation by the CIVS for each TCS Member to vote. This voting invitation is only sent to the TSC Members. The TSC mailing list is not cc-ed on this email as per the CIVS process. Included in this election invitation will be a pointer to the Election wiki page which contains the names, pictures, biographies, and statements-of-intent for each of the candidates. The email also has instructions and a private URL where each TSC Member is sent to vote.
At the CIVS-provided voting URL, each voter will rank the candidates, where a smaller-numbered rank means that the voter prefers that choice more. Once the ranking is complete, the voter will press the “Submit ranking” button to complete the voting process.
The Election Phase will remain open for at least 5 business days from the time the invitation-to-vote email is sent by the CIVS.
Once the Election Phase has completed, the results of the election, including the votes cast by all participating TSC members, will be made available to the TSC mailing list.
Information on the Candidates
Each Candidate, please provide the following:
- Name
- Photo
- Biography
- Statement of Intent in being a TSC Vice Chairperson