- Invoke instantiation of a Service and all of its sub-components (e.g. VNF/VF, VNFC/VFC, Modules, Deployment Flavor, etc).
- Invoke instantiation and creation of cloud logical environment (e.g. tenants).
- Integration with Operations ticketing system for instantiation and change-management ordering requests.
- Instantiation
- Instantiation modes.
- Macro orchestration.
- A la carte orchestration.
- Choose target instantiation environment (e.g. multi-clouds, testing environment, etc.).
- Check availability of already-created and reserved cloud resources.
- Invoke the creations of cloud resources.
- Customize Service and VNF/VF to fit a current instantiation.
- Based on SDC Design specific assignments.
- Feedback on instantiation process according to the instantiation workflow.
- Ability to invoke maintenance operations on an unsuccessful instantiation.
- Instantiation modes.
- Change-management
- Integration with inventory (A&AI) to retrieve current deployed Services.
- Agnostic and specific change-management workflows derived from SDC Service and VNF/VF models.
- Invoke a CM for a given Service and VNF/VF.
- invoke a CM for monitoring-templates (MTs: control-loops).
- invoke a CM for policy changes
- Invoke a CM for license changes
- etc..
- Ability to operate on a workflow (e.g. actions as stop, start, restart, resume).
- Ability to schedule a workflow
- notify
- automatic instantiation upon reaching the scheduled time.
- Invoke Security, Load and performance test on a given Service and VNF/VF.
- Collaboration
- Project/Admin dashboard (include user management, VNF/VF and Services relevant to the project).
- Interfaces:
- SDC - get models
- A&AI - get current deployment (inventory)
- Scheduler MS - set/get schedule
- MSO - invoke instantiation and change-management.