- Primary Contact Person:Hemli, Amichai <ah0398@intlah0398@intl.att.com>
- Names, gerrit IDs, and company affiliations of the committers
- Names and affiliations of any other contributors
- Project Roles (include RACI chart, if applicable)
Repo name: vid/asdcclient,vid
Lifecycle State:
Primary Contact:
- David Shadmi dshadmi@interwise.comGerrit ID sd200p Company AT&T
- Eden Rozin Gerrit Eden.Rozin@att.com Gerrit ID er434w Company AT&T
- Zahi Kapeluto Gerrit Zahi.Kapeluto@att.com Gerrit ID zk093v Company AT&T
- Hemli, Amichai Gerrit Hemli.Amichai@att.com Gerrit ID ah0398 Company AT&T
Project Lead: