ONAP Portal
- Service Design and Creation (SDC): visual design tools for Services
- Policy creation (editing and conflict identification tools)
- Visual design tools for Analytic Applications (out-of-scope for first OpenECOMP release)
Instantiating Services
The Portal offers a Virtual Instantiation Deployment (VID) GUI to trigger MSO instantiation of Services and components that have been certified and distributed for production. These services may include:
- Infrastructure Services (such as compute and storage resources)
- Network Services (Virtual Network Functions)
- Application Services (such as a load-balancing function)
VID reads the models created in SDC, and, in turn, forwards the appropriate information to MSO during the Service instantiation process.
From the ONAP Portal, administrators:
- access the same functionality accessible to users
- manage users and application admins
- onboard applications and widgets (developed using the Portal as a platform)
- edit the functional menu
Future enhancements in following releases:
· Portal SDK - Digital Experience Control/UI Upgrade.
· Ability for admin to use notification and act on it w/o copy/paste, e.g. hyperlink to target function with context transfer.
· Enabling centralized Authentication and Authorization (AAF): Ability for centralized User Management and administrative tasks such as Role based access to Operations Management Framework (OMF).
Architecture Alignment:
Overall ONAP Architecture showing relation to Portal component with other components:
Detailed Portal Architecture:
- How does this project fit into the rest of the ONAP Architecture?
- Please Include architecture diagram if possible - {+}https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Portal+
- What other ONAP projects does this project depend on? No dependecies. But will impact components - Policy, VID, SDC, DBC (DMaaP Bus Ctrl)
- How does this align with external standards/specifications?
- For security - O-Auth
- Are there dependencies with other open source projects?
- Application Authorization Framework (AAF)