One Command to command whole ONAP !
Model-driven CLI
Project Name:
- Proposed name for the project: ONAP Command Line Interface / Portal
- Proposed name for the repository:
- Provide a Model driven framework to help ONAP community and ONAP end-user to develop the required commands
- By using YAML file and without writing any source code
- By implementing plug-ins for specific commands
- Mode
- Provide direct command mode (useful in scripting based automation) like in CI, docker, etc
- Provide interactive mode, where user login once and operate ONAP and exit
- Provide consistent commands schematics across different ONAP functionalities.
- Provide an download option from the ONAP portal to download the CLI
- Provide Docker container to luanch CLI out of the box. In addition provide daily build or release builds via Nexus
NOTE: Above defined features already available as ready-to-use from Open-O under the git repository client-cli/framework and client-cli/main projects and they will be copied into ONAP and will work as-it-is.
And required CLI commands for ONAP will be created on top of these two projects by writing YAML files.
Architecture Alignment:
- Dependencies
- ONAP CLI uses REST API to communicate with ONAP, so it depends on the ONAP API documentation project
- ONAP portal authendicationservice REST API
- Different ONAP projects like SDC, VID, Policy, etc should provide list of functioanlities expose thru CLI
- ONAP CLI uses REST API to communicate with ONAP, so it depends on the ONAP API documentation project
- Integration project (CI & docker) would depends on this project ONAP CLI for automation
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