Project Name:
- This project is focused on enhancing the ONAP Portal.
· Portal SDK - Digital Experience Control/UI Upgrade.
· Ability for admin to use notification and act on it w/o copy/paste, e.g. hyperlink to target function with context transfer.
- How does this project fit into the rest of the ONAP Architecture?
- Please Include architecture diagram if possible - {+}https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Portal+
- What other ONAP projects does this project depend on? No dependecies. But will impact components - Policy, VID, SDC, DBC (DMaaP Bus Ctrl)
- How does this align with external standards/specifications?
- For security - O-Auth
- Are there dependencies with other open source projects?
- AAF Application Authorization Framework (AAF)
- Primary Contact Person: Manoop Talasila
- Names, gerrit IDs, and company affiliations of the committers
- Manoop Talasila, talasila, AT&T
- Names and affiliations of any other contributors
- Sunder Tattavarada, st782s, AT&T
- Chris Lott, cl778h, AT&T
- Wei-Ting(Robert) Lo, wl849v, AT&T
- Project Roles (include RACI chart, if applicable)