•Primary Contact Person:
NGUEKO Gervais-Martial (AT&T - gn422w@intl.att.com)
Other Contact/Contributor Person:
- SHACHAM Ron (AT&T - rshacham@research.att.com)
- BHATNAGAR Aayush (Reliance Jio)
- NGUYEN Trung (Amdocs)
- Christophe Closset (AT&T - cc697w@intl.att.com)
- Sebastien Determe (AT&T - sd378r@intl.att.com)
- Pierre Close (AT&T - pc457b@intl.att.com)
- Eddy Hautot (AT&T - eh552t@intl.att.com)
- Xue Gao (AT&T - xg353y@intl.att.com)
Other Information's
•The proposal is coming from the AT&T CLAMP project. Before publishing the codebase as part of release 1, AT&T will make sure that all proprietary trademarks, logo’s, etc… are removed.
•The code will also of course goes through Fossology , BlackDuck and other scan to ensure licensing issues are not present.