This uses the DELETE method to the restapicall node and only need the vpg_hostname so it is a little simpler.
You want to tie the block for processing delete into both of the success branches from the order-status=Active switch test by adding a "true" outcome from the order status="Active" and linking that to the existing block node after the "other" outcome from the switch test of "aic-cllii. As shown below.
The delete node you want to delete the responsePrefix and template parameter sinc they are not needed and will generate errors if included in an DELETE operation.
<execute plugin='org.openecomp.sdnc.restapicall.RestapiCallNode' method='sendRequest' >
<parameter name="restapiUrl" value="`$prop.appcRestApi.url+'/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/'+$prop.vpg_hostname`"/>
<parameter name="restapiUser" value="`$prop.appcRestApi.sdncOdl.user`"/>
<parameter name="restapiPassword" value="`$prop.appcRestApi.sdncOdl.password`"/>
<parameter name="format" value="xml" />
<parameter name="httpMethod" value="delete" />
The tutorial data will be in gerrit under the demo repository (demo/tutorials/CreateAppcNetconfMount)