There are three stages in the life cycle of a VNF, shown here:
Figure 1. VNF complete life cycle stages
Reference Documents for VNF Providers
There The following are four the reference documents for VNF Providers, summarized here.
<<DocRef: VNF Guidelines for Network Cloud and OpenECOMP>>OpenECOMP
- identifies audiences interested in VNFs
- describes the VNF environment
- gives an overview of requirements
- points out differences between OpenECOMP VNFs and ETSI VNFs
<<DocRef: VNF Cloud Readiness Requirements for OpenECOMP (formerly: "Common Requirements...">>
- design requirements (API versioning, decomposition, reliance on open source database, packet size limitations)
- resiliency requirements
- security requirements
<<DocRef: VNF Management Requirements for OpenECOMP>>OpenECOMP
- requirements imposed by the targeted network cloud infrastructure, including the hypervisor
- identification requirements for the VNF and its components
- configuration management requirements
- a VNF must provide a Device YANG model
- a VNF must implement a NETCONF server; the required NETCONF API's are referenced, and the supplier must demonstrate mounting the NETCONF server on OpenDaylight
- monitoring and operations requirements
- format of messages (event records)
- frequency of reporting
- security
- licensing requirements
<<DocRef: VNF Heat Template Requirements for OpenECOMP>>OpenECOMP
- provides recommendations and standards for building Heat templates compatible with OpenECOMP