Passcode: 209247
We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.
Attended | Proxy (w/ @name) | Holiday | Did Not Attend |
| Agenda Items | Presented By | Presos/Notes/Links/ |
Strategy (45 minutes) | ONAP takeaways |
| We are encouraging ONAP consumers to share with us their feedback, so we could prioritize our activities and make ONAP better suited their needs and requirements. |
LFN Cross-Organization UpdatesMAC, SPC, TAC, EUAG, LFN Board | | China Mobile Plan for Oslo and Beyond Release |
TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates |
Task Force Updates |
Operations (40 minutes)
| TSC Activities and Deadlines |
| - ONAP Streamlining Documentation Enhancements for Oslo:
- Defining ONAP Core components and extensions (e.g., lightweight ONAP, optional components) - WIP - deadline? By end of October for now.
- Core component functions
- Installation guide, including ArgoCD-based deployment options, Marek plans to switch datacenters next week.
- configuration guide
- User guide
- Use cases by operators and vendors
- reference architecture (component, interface, security, function...) for lightweight ONAP
- PTLs will be contacted for core component contents, as needed
- Thomas Kulik, shared the tool analysis, Thanks
- Start the documentation for ONAP Streamlining here, ONAP Streamlining Evolution
- Ongoing
Release StatusOslo release wiki pages:-Byung will update its status next week |
| Release |
RelEng/Infrastructure |
| Jessica Gonzalez , cleaning up ONAP confluence pages, attachments; so far 260GB, target: 220GB;TSC needs to set up a policy around the attachment length (6 months and can be 4 months)
Pending ticket opened by Marek: - Kevin Sandi - a workaround solution will be tried;
- Marek / Matthew - automatic building solution is needed; escalate this? Waiting for feedback from Marek
- Kevin/Matt/Kevin - create a ticket and try a solution (maybe Github action helps? PoC??) - WiP Kevin was working on AWS credits
- Some action plans and updates next week
- Kevin and Marek are working on it, testing and deployment. will report its status - 90% is working; WIP; scheduled for next week update
- wait for argo-cd deployment update. will revisit...
- wait for Marek's return
Kevin: Jenkins' sandbox; security patching is working fine; downtime would be 30 mins; will notify the downtime by email to ONAP community - WIP Thomas Kulik - issues with Portal-NG and other documentation - Kevin / marek: WIP; update in two weeks; wait for Merek IT-26899 Project is not created in RTD - Kevin; found a root cause; almost done, pushed the fixes; Marek: Verifying of fixing; will follow up when Thomas Kulik and Fiete Ostkamp back - next week report; related to RTD pipeline? need further testing Ticket opened by Tony: IT-26848 - Tony is checking on it, still has issues; Kevin will work on it; Let us know. - Kevin Sandi , working on it; removing gerrit plugins as a possible solution; update the ticket with findings and will check them with Tony; any update?
- SonarCloud report for Portal-NG UI; wait for nextus iq; any update? Matt has credential before; Jess will check with him; Jessica Gonzalez ,needs to confirm with Fieta if all is OK; share the lNexus IQ link with TSC.
IaC Scanning | | - Jessica Gonzalez , applied checkov (LaC Scanlling) in CPS, and got the scanning outcome, Thanks!!!
- we need to define the check cirteria for failure (soft-fail-on, hard-fail-on), platform (for now Kubernetes), priority, severity and others.
- We plans to work with ONAP SECCOM and Nephio Sig Security for setting up criteria for failure (soft-fail-on, hard-fail-on), target platform (for now, Kubernetes), priority, severity, skip and others.
- While we are collecting Nephio Sig Security IaC scanning requirements, this issue will be discussed at the ONAP SECCOM and will report back to TSC.
PTL Updates |
| Process for storing CPS recordings proposed and agreed. New recordings to be prepared by CPS team. Youtube ONAP account exists, contact point: Casey Cain via Voting for Python 2 dependencies removal from ONAP. - not valid anymore We need to double confirm with Jessica that Zoom recordings links are available infinitely on PCC Project Control Center (Dashboard) 5 years storing policy proposed - Jess to check with PCC team. |
Subcommittee UpdatesArch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements |
| Most likely in September. will write - is writing the ONAP Streamlining document for architecture...
Events & Meetings (5 minutes) | Upcoming Events & Housekeeping |
| |
Zoom Chat Log
Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative! Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only! The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative.