Note it is only suggestion..so feel free to amend...
29 Sep
- Lab statusONAP codebase license scan:Integrationreport:
- Changes in ONAP release process Release Process
- DT tests not performed due to change in helm push plugin - https://lfscanninggithub.orgcom/reportschartmuseum/onap/integration-2021-09-22-0acb8221-75ae-41b0-969c-c1ec8746c746.html
- xlsx: https://lfscanning.org/reports/onap/integration-2021-09-22-0acb8221-75ae-41b0-969c-c1ec8746c746.xlsx Testsuitereport: helm-push/
- there is no more `helm push` command
- OOM Makefile uses that command https://lfscanninggerrit.org/reports/onap/testsuite-2021-09-22-abaa2838-3147-462e-a95d-a3e7b2fedef5.html
- xlsx: https://lfscanning.org/reports/onap/testsuite-2021-09-22-abaa2838-3147-462e-a95d-a3e7b2fedef5.xlsx
- https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/testsuite/pythonsdk-tests/+/124507 - pythonsdk-tests change to not use VID API.
- in .org/r/gitweb?p=oom.git;a=blob;f=kubernetes/Makefile;h=d994397269d8cdcdb7837f6d8c0c81fc7e714ba1;hb=refs/heads/master#l84
- Get rid of VID:
- VID healtcheck removed and pnf-registrate change also made - wait for DT tests results
- Python ONAP SDK instantiation requires VID objects - it has to be refactored and mark VID module as deprecated
- Python ONAP SDK:
- new maintainer candidate Michal Chabiera !!!
- before new version release we should remove VID package I think
- new branch - Istanbul
- Repositories archived:
- integration/simulators/masspnf-simulator
- integration/simulators/dc-simulator
- integration/usecases/mdons
- integration/usecases/bbs
- integration/terraform
- integration/terragrunt
- testsuite/heatbridge
- Update on Pythonsdk_tests gating Morgan Richomme
- Update on helm based components in tests Krzysztof Kuzmicki