Note it is only suggestion..so feel free to amend...
- AdminLab statusData provider repo creation -
- ONAP codebase license scan:jakarta
- Integration
- report: https://
- Integration
- Istanbul
- Openstack/Kubernetes supported version, shall we precise, shall we plan tests (with which resources?)
- Operation document ?
- component update?
- backup and restore ?
- troubleshooting
- ...
- Integration of CPS test in CI Morgan Richomme
- Disable unmaintained projects on tests:
- robot
- portal
- portal-sdk
- vid
- Testsuite
- VID is going to be marked as unmaintained and remove from release:
- https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/testsuite/pythonsdk-tests/+/124507 - pythonsdk-tests change to not use VID API.
- in Python ONAP SDK instantiation requires VID objects - it has to be refactored and mark VID module as deprecated
- No feedback on the archiving of the following repositories:
- Morgan Richomme ran successfully CPS healthcheck test!