Note it is only suggestion..so feel free to amend...
- Question on ESR removal (side effects on smoke tests)
- gating OK + verif on DT daily => green light to remove this component, oom waiting for Michał Jagiełło green light on the gerrit https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/oom/+/123812
- Admin
- archiving of integration repositories...if no activity since ...1 year?
- pythonsdk gating chain pythonsdk_tests_gating.pdf
- demo scancode.io? Former user (Deleted)
- The curious case of - report created by Morgan Richomme
- Andreas Geißler change for basic_vm_macro works! https://logs.onap.org/onap-integration/daily/onap-master-daily-dell/2021-09/09_11-57/smoke-usecases/basic_vm_macro/basic_vm_macro Andreas Geißler/reporting.html
- Istanbul
- review David's JIRA
- weather board???
- doc....
- any news from the use case?
- most of the projects released first version of new dockers..even so
- Data creation project (Michal Chabiera python code / Piotr Stanior DT code / ..) - official doc clearly no more accurate
- Openstack/Kubernetes supported version, shall we precise, shall we plan tests (with which resources?)
- Operation document ?
- component update?
- backup and restore ?
- troubleshooting
- ...
- review David's JIRA
- jakarta