- Action points
- Question on ESR removal (side effects on smoke tests)
- To be checked if still needed (some operation in postconfigure) Andreas Geißler
- Question on ESR removal (side effects on smoke tests)
- Admin
- What do we do with 5G core nf simulator => pylint failing => no change from dev since a while
- License issue due to static scan OK
- Short demo of prototype on docker version tracking
- Issues with xtesting dockers bavk last Monday (dockers disappeared from the nexus..after nexus outage..need to rebuild them manually)
- Istanbul
- Regression on Daily Master? (issue with pnf/pnf macro linked to change in multicloud? => Lukasz Rajewski
- Integration Blockers page reviewed
- more issues on GPLv3
- Versions
- progress in java versions
- still poor in python
- versions tests to be amended to include waivers (exclude filebeat and upstream components)
- Morgan Richomme asked seccom to reopen tickets related to versions if needed (they were all created then closed/postponed for previous release)
- test and integration JIRA&gerrit reviewed: not far from M3 criteria but still some reviews needed on onapsk/pythonsdk related to CDS
- Honolulu MR
- During PTL Dan indicated taht the dockers had been generated to fix the CCSDK-3385
- .....