Action Items:
- Paweł Pawlak El Alto M3 checklist improvements for the security questions.
- Check with SDC if they are using the modeling parser - modeling-toscaparsers-javatoscachecker otherwise we should deprecate Former user (Deleted)
<Deprecated: https://rt-sso.linuxfoundation.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=70716>
- (Jason) Follow-up with Mike E. concerning S3P - Provide Upgrade Capabilities PH1 (non functional reqs)
- (Brian/Stephen): Work together on Helm Chart procedure for the ONAP Individual projects exceptions
- (SECCOM): Review Vulnerabilities that require significant rework, architecture change as "TSC MUST Have" candidates for El Alto
- (PTLs/Owners): If any requirement is descoped from the Dublin Release then please inform asap TSC
- (Mike E./Manoop): Revalidate the OOM Chain for Portal - Dublin Release
- (Mike E.): Tag the Casablanca Maintenance Release i.e. 3.0.2
- (Catherine): Create an offline vote on approval of the El Alto schedule and focus
- (Catherine): Create an offline vote on external coordinators
- (Pawel/Amy): Provide list of projects to @Jim to contact the projects that stilll have open security issues
- (Chaker): Follow-up on CCVPN status
- (Bin): Follow-up on Cloud Region & OOF descope