- 2/11: Migrate Docker image releases from Nexus3 into Docker Hub (Architecture Independence) by Dublin M4.
<2-15-2019> Preparing a preso for review of all known infrastructure change requests for review at PTL meeting 2-25-2019 - Oom values.yaml or integration repo manifest ( TSC-86 - Lock down docker image tag name source of truth - oom values.yaml or integration repo manifest - A: both but manifest is the source SUBMITTED ) Michael O'Brien
if not covered - see TSC 2019-01-10
Quick discussion on nailing down whether we need a yaml override of the deployable
docker image tags in the oom repo (understanding is no) - with the integration docker manifest
(manifest is currently a copy of the oom values.yaml tags - not the reverse)
If not - then we need a documented procedure wiki/RTD on running a derived values.yaml override for the entire system before deployment
AAF is only an example here
image: onap/aaf/aaf_service:2.1.8
20190318: discussed discrepancy with Orange in OOM call last week - manifest is still in use to manage versions until merges come into OOM from the teams and we finish the architecture of the merged manifest in oomOOM Meeting Notes - 2019-03-13
- Review Sylvain Desbureaux's detailed docker version/size/state status page at Reduction effort between Casablanca and Dublin
<1-7/2019> Integration team to document the procedure.<01/13/2019> Answer from Integration team: docker manifest under integration repo is the source of truth, and is used by Integration team to override OOM values.yaml when deploying ONAP in Openlab. See the instructions at the bottom of page https://onap.readthedocs.io/en/casablanca/submodules/integration.git/docs/onap-oom-heat.html#onap-oom-heat-template
<1-21/2019> Procedure should include Timers, dependencies, etc.
just need to define all the --set and -f overrides like the following
sudo helm deploy onap local/onap --namespace $ENVIRON -f $DISABLE_CHARTS_YAML -f $DEV0_YAML $APPENDABLE_ENABLED_FLAGS --verbose
<1-28-2019>: Document how to handle the latest 3rd party image from github.
<2019-02-19>: One over-ride that will be shared, parent over-ride for docker versions, Michael O'Brien to modify TSC-86 to reflect process. Still looking at tool to institute changes for all projects (single commit). Mike Elliott FREEMAN, BRIAN D Gary Wu Sylvain Desbureaux to follow up offline.
It should also consider the problem identified with the Casablanca Maintenance Release:https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/4641
<2019-03-01 - Need a date for the delivery of the procedure >
- Mike Elliott will work with PTL to gather/transfer knowledge and create training materials. Training to be done the week of Jan 14 and PTL to provide their commitment or not by M1 on Jan 24.<1-7/2019>: Work in progress. Schedule might shift to another week. Michael will follow-up with Mike. Training will be open to everybody. The objective is that each team will take over the management of their Helm Charts.
<1-28/2019>: Meeting is organized on 1/29 with LF. Training will be organized early in February. Additional information on the next PTL call (2/4)<2019-2-19: Meeting on this topic today - review the process - develop training material. OOM subcharts complete - A&AI this week><2019-03-04: Ready to do the first project A&AI; after testing on the first project make video on process flow, several others will follow Jessica Gonzalez Mike Elliott><still working out the A&AI details - in progress; once the POC is complete the other repos will follow> Helm Chart Transfer: 4 projects have been identified for trial: A&AI, Log, Policy, APPC, CLAMP and ONAP CLI. - What is the plan for the June ONAP Developers Forum - dates/location/etc Kenny Paul<includes outreach to education - looking at universities><Virtual meeting? - still under investigation>
- PTLs - to review TSC Webcast on footprint optimization from 2/28 starting from 30th minute - https://r.lfnetworking.org/lfn-zoom/ONAP/TSC-Meetings/TSC-2019/tsc-2019-02-28.mp4
<INCLUDE LINK TO THE footprint opt pages> - How to consume Alpine? Adolfo Perez-Duran (Deactivated)
- Modify code freeze checklist to include a certificate expiry check Former user (Deleted)Brian Freeman