- (TSC) Finalize TSC vote/discussions about DataLake project proposal -
- (TSC) Finalize discussions about the Infrastructure Role
- Usecase Owner/PTLs to review before 1/31: Dublin Release Requirements
- TSC 2019-01-24 to perform final review on Platform Maturity: Project Status in Dublin Release
- /wiki/spaces/SV/pages/16090131 PTLs to complete the Vulnerability wiki page:
- Create a Task force to work on the ONAP component dependency
- TSC to review project maturity (incubation, etc.)
- TSC to send Integration/Pair-wise testing proposal again
- TSC & Modeling Chairs: Finallize Dublin M2-M4 Modeling Checklist
- TSC & Security Subcommittee: Finalize Dublin M2-M4 Security Checklist