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Duration | Agenda Item | Requested by | Notes / Links | ||||||||||||||||||||
START RECORDING | |||||||||||||||||||||||
5 m | Housekeeping |
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30 m | Integration Status | ||||||||||||||||||||||
60 m | Beijing Release Sign Off |
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time permitting | Modeling Subcommittee Update | Hui Deng |
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time permitting | Versioning & API Documentation Guidelines for Casablanca | 3rd week carried forward | |||||||||||||||||||||
time permitting | Beijing Marketing pitch | Eman Gil | carried forward from last week | ||||||||||||||||||||
time permitting | TSC Composition | 3rd week carried forward
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13:57:15 <kennypaul> #startmeeting tsc-2018-06-07 13:57:15 <collabot_> Meeting started Thu Jun 7 13:57:15 2018 UTC. The chair is kennypaul. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:57:15 <collabot_> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:57:15 <collabot_> The meeting name has been set to 'tsc_2018_06_07' 13:57:34 <kennypaul> #chair SteveT gildaslanilis 13:57:34 <collabot_> Warning: Nick not in channel: gildaslanilis 13:57:34 <collabot_> Current chairs: SteveT gildaslanilis kennypaul 13:57:42 <kennypaul> #topic rollcall 13:58:09 <kennypaul> #info Alla Goldner, AMDOCS 13:58:10 <cdonley> #info Chris Donley Huawei 14:00:19 <ningso> #info Ning So, Reliance Jio 14:00:29 <Srini> #info proxy Srini Addepalli, Intel 14:00:41 <Xiaojun> #info Xiaojun Xie, China Telecom 14:00:43 <RannyHaiby> #info Ranny Haiby, Nokia 14:00:53 <EricDebeau> #info Eric Debeau, Orange 14:00:54 <SteveT> #info Stephen Terrill, Ericsson 14:00:56 <frankbrockners> #info Frank Brockners 14:01:31 <JasonHunt> #info Jason Hunt, IBM 14:01:38 <frankbrockners> zoom tells me that the host has not joined the meeting, which is why it does not allow me to connect. anyone else with the same issue? 14:02:03 <kennypaul> the meeting is up 14:02:10 <cdonley> works for me 14:02:10 <Sanchita> #info proxy Sanchita Pathak, TechMahindra 14:02:25 <kennypaul> https://zoom.us/j/661303200 14:02:57 <xinhuili> #info Xinhui Li, VMware 14:03:38 <frankbrockners> kennypaul: did we change zoom settings? looks like dialback doesn't work any more (computer audio does= 14:04:09 <kennypaul> #info proxy CATHERINE LEFEVRE, AT&T 14:07:30 <Lingli> #info Lingli, CMCC 14:07:40 <kennypaul> #info Murat Tupcu, Turk Telekom 14:07:53 <frankbrockners> thanks kennypaul: dialback works (now that you're the host) 14:08:03 <gilbert> #info mazin gilbert 14:08:20 <SteveT> #topic Housekeeping 14:08:42 <SteveT> #info Deadline for informing of intention to participate in the casablanca list (projects) is today 14:08:51 <SteveT> #info will create a list 14:10:19 <SteveT> #action Gildas create a list of projects that are participating in the casablanca release 14:12:35 <EricDebeau> #info we need to address the Holmes and ESR project where PTL are no more active 14:14:15 <Susana> #info Susana Sabater, Vodafone 14:17:57 <kennypaul> #info frankbrockners shares that prooject specific papers WILL be accepted this time at ONS-Europe 14:18:08 <kennypaul> #topic Integration. 14:19:06 <kennypaul> #info logging maturity testing complete 14:20:14 <kennypaul> #info vCPE testing- OOM incomplete. Template missing - workaround exists. 14:21:48 <kennypaul> #undo 14:21:48 <collabot_> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2a66810> 14:22:08 <kennypaul> #info vCPE testing- APPC incomplete. Template missing - workaround exists. 14:28:26 <kennypaul> #info maturity testing - aai-modelloader and dev-aai-resourses may fail closed loop. - helm config issue- release note recommended. 14:29:08 <kennypaul> #info concerns raises over updates being required to OOM in the Beijing branch. 14:30:14 <EricDebeau> #info need clarification: Helm version issue or Chart configuration ? 14:31:18 <kennypaul> #info brian freeman says "chart" 14:33:39 <EricDebeau> #info thanks 14:36:21 <kennypaul> #info questions about HPA- Srini says vCPE e2e testing is still pending OOM- 14:37:42 <kennypaul> #info Randa reports vCPE close loop restart via APPC just passed 14:38:09 <kennypaul> #topic Beijing release sign off 14:39:44 <kennypaul> #info no hig/highest jiras, no integration blockers, oom/heat all passed 14:40:28 <kennypaul> #info all dockers are correctly tagged, pairwise and maturity all green 14:41:03 <kennypaul> #info documentation- some release notes will require cherrypicking into beijing branch 14:41:42 <kennypaul> #info still beroken links, missing images, etc that need to be fixed in docs 14:42:08 <EricDebeau> #info documentation: please review the global documentation and give feedbacks. 14:42:29 <kennypaul> #info move from Amsterdam to Beijing readthe docs page will correspond with press release 14:43:31 <kennypaul> #info holmes & msb thanks to lingli for assisting with docs, no checklists. 14:44:46 <kennypaul> #info gildaslanilis recommends approval of the release. 14:46:42 <kennypaul> #info kennypaul says that leagal subcommittee will meetin on monday 14:48:54 <kennypaul> #startvote Does the TSC approve the release of the ONAP Beijing release? +1, 0, -1 14:48:54 <collabot_> Begin voting on: Does the TSC approve the release of the ONAP Beijing release? Valid vote options are +1, 0, -1. 14:48:54 <collabot_> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 14:48:57 <cdonley> #vote +1 14:49:00 <SteveT> #vote +1 14:49:03 <frankbrockners> #vote +1 14:49:07 <Srini> #vote +1 14:49:09 <JasonHunt> #vote +1 14:49:12 <ningso> #vote +1 14:49:12 <RannyHaiby> #vote +1 14:49:12 <Xiaojun> #vote +1 14:49:14 <xinhuili> #vote +1 14:49:16 <EricDebeau> #vote +1 14:49:23 <kennypaul> #vote +1 14:49:33 <gildaslanilis> #vote +1 14:49:53 <kennypaul> #info kennypaul votes on behalf of Alla Goldner 14:49:56 <gildaslanilis> #info Gildas Lanilis voted for Murat Turpcu 14:50:33 <Lingli> #vote +1 14:50:39 <Pam> #vote +1 14:51:08 <SteveT> #info Pam votes for Mazin 14:51:11 <Pam> #info Pam voted for Mazin 14:51:22 <kennypaul> #endvote 14:51:22 <collabot_> Voted on "Does the TSC approve the release of the ONAP Beijing release?" Results are 14:51:22 <collabot_> +1 (14): frankbrockners, Xiaojun, ningso, Lingli, JasonHunt, xinhuili, SteveT, Srini, kennypaul, cdonley, gildaslanilis, RannyHaiby, Pam, EricDebeau 14:52:02 <kennypaul> #agreed the TSC approves the release of the ONAP Beijing release 14:56:18 <kennypaul> #info PTLS that do not want a beijing branch created are to send email to gildaslanilis 14:57:35 <kennypaul> #info congrats to all! 14:58:00 <kennypaul> #topic Modeling Subcommittee update 14:58:24 <kennypaul> #info Hui Deng shared his slide deck 15:14:10 <kennypaul> #info discussion of data modeling and engagement / contribution of code. Perspective raised that papyrus should also be considered coding 15:21:53 <kennypaul> #info discussion on OnBoarding - suggestion that "NFV Profile" is confusing - does not represent what we want to do 15:23:59 <EricDebeau> #info we need to clarify what the VNF developers should use as VNF package/descriptor. Critical for 5G. 15:26:37 <kennypaul> #info Q) is there code in the modeling project that can be leveraged by other projects? A) repo is mainly for specs - no code to be there to be used 15:30:01 <kennypaul> #info brianheadstrom recommends renaming the modeling project to avoid confusion between tooling and specs. 15:34:22 <kennypaul> #info Casablanca documentation and TSAC Composition discussions carried forward to next week. 15:34:28 <kennypaul> #endmeeting
Zoom Chat Log
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07:09:22 From Pamela Dragosh (AT&T) : RC2 was extended 2 weeks so we should allow extension
07:10:19 From Michael O'Brien (LOG, Amdocs) : Q) we need to send a mail on whether our project is in Casablanca?
07:10:32 From Pamela Dragosh (AT&T) : Yes Michael - to onap-tsc mailing list
07:11:16 From Michael O'Brien (LOG, Amdocs) : thanks missed that one - https://lists.onap.org/pipermail/onap-tsc/2018-June/004917.html
07:13:28 From Stephen Terrill : In the charter its written that its required to inform the TSC list about the intention to participate in a release
07:13:37 From Stephen Terrill : Gildas just sets a date for that in the release planning
07:13:51 From Seshu : I see mails popping up on tsc list, @Michael you can refer to them
07:13:59 From Mazin to Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) (Privately) : Kenny, We really need to finalize planning for the Awards. Can we connect later today?
07:16:10 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) to Mazin (Privately) : yes.
07:16:34 From Michael O'Brien (LOG, Amdocs) : ONS likes hands-on/demo/devops ONAP specific presentations - approved a couple last march
07:17:35 From Michael O'Brien (LOG, Amdocs) : I am in the release - feel better now - https://lists.onap.org/pipermail/onap-tsc/2018-June/004932.html
07:19:08 From Seshu : It's not you but your project that is being monitored
07:19:13 From Seshu : ;)
07:21:07 From Mazin to Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) (Privately) : Please send me your availability and phone number for this afternoon. thanks.
07:23:51 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) to Mazin (Privately) : 510 766 5945 - the only thing I cannot move today is between 2:30-3:30 pacific.
07:28:52 From Eric Debeau : Is it a Helm pb or a Chart configuration ?
07:29:45 From Brian : chart
07:30:31 From Brian : need to add a ha proxy in front of one of the container types - a good thing
07:30:53 From Eric Debeau : ok. So let's document it
07:35:43 From Randa Maher (AT&T) : Latest breaking news... vCPE close loop restart via APPC just passed
07:35:56 From Stephen Terrill : (thumbs up)
07:35:59 From Marco Platania : Great Randa!
07:37:02 From ramki krishnan : Awesome Randa, timing cannot be any better!
07:37:27 From Eric Debeau : Just in time ;-) Congrats.
07:37:37 From Catherine Lefevre : excellent
07:38:13 From Helen Chen : Fantastic! @Randa and the team!
07:41:19 From Eric Debeau : Not only cosmetic issues...for the doc...
07:41:42 From Randa Maher (AT&T) : thank you all, but it's all due to this great team and the collaborative spirit with Integration - well done!
07:43:15 From Greg Glover (AT&T) : Also a call out to Eric Debeau for his help with last minute Documentation branching, formatting, etc.
07:44:51 From Helen Chen : @Randa, we have a winning team!
07:45:29 From Eric Debeau : @Greg, Thanks. It is a pleasure to work in such community ;-)
07:47:04 From Pawel Pawlak (Orange) : you mean release notes?
07:48:10 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : Does the TSC approve the release of the ONAP Beijing release?
07:48:52 From Alla Goldner : Kenny, please vote "+1" on my behalf
07:49:14 From Pamela Dragosh (AT&T) : I can help
07:49:17 From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) : +1
07:50:25 From Catherine Lefevre : +1 for Mazin
07:51:40 From Michael Lando (SDC) : whooo!!!!!!
07:51:44 From Helen Chen : Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!
07:52:14 From Alla Goldner : Congratulations to all of us!!!!!!!!!!!
07:52:22 From ramki krishnan : !!! Hearty Congrats !!!
07:52:24 From Seshu : Congrats everyone and thanks for the efforts
07:52:25 From Arun Arora : Congrats!!!!! :)
07:52:55 From Bin Yang (Wind River) : Congratulations!
07:53:44 From Dileep Ranganathan : yaaay!! Congrats and thank you everyone!!
07:54:03 From ChrisC (AT&T) : some teams already have a beijing branch, pls don't overwrite with content of master
07:54:21 From Catherine Lefevre : Way to Go TEAM - Well-Deserved - thank you for all your hard word to make this Beijing release true
07:54:22 From Dan Timoney : +1 to Chris’s comment
07:55:04 From Eric Debeau : Congrats
07:55:18 From Roger Maitland : Congratulations everyone
07:57:24 From Helen Chen : Could we remove the self-commit now?
07:59:54 From Michael Lando (SDC) : lets bring the self commit to a vote again
07:59:54 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : Extremely proud of everyone on the team. Thank you!
08:01:07 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : @Helen i need to look at what was approved. :-) might be a few days yet.
08:02:17 From Helen Chen : Sure, thank you @Kenny
08:06:18 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : #agreed TSC approve temporarily allowing the capability for all registered committers to self commit for 3 weeks with the policy of only being exercised by the PTL under exceptional circumstances for Highest Priority bugs
08:06:45 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : that was at the May 24 meeting.
08:08:01 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : So this time next week
08:08:05 From Helen Chen : Thank you!
08:09:56 From Catherine Lefevre : word -> Work —— :-)
08:27:43 From Gildas Lanilis : To All PTLs, I just emailed you all regarding the creation of Beijing Branch. In case you do not need branching, please reply asap so we know your intention.
08:31:49 From Stephen Terrill : Hi. On versioning there were a few reflections from the Architecture F2F in vancouver
08:31:57 From Stephen Terrill : have those been considered?
08:32:12 From Chris Donley : It's the same
08:33:15 From Stephen Terrill : thanks chris. Just trying to close the loop (figuratevly)
08:33:29 From Pamela Dragosh (AT&T) : that’s my committee Stephen
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