13:50:01 <kennypaul>#startmeeting tsc oct 19 201713:50:01 <collabot> Meeting started Thu Oct 19 13:50:01 2017 UTC. The chair is kennypaul. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:50:01 <collabot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
13:50:01 <collabot> The meeting name has been set to 'tsc_oct_19_2017'
13:50:15 <kennypaul>#chair phrobb13:50:15 <collabot> Current chairs: kennypaul phrobb
13:58:53 <cdonley>#info Chris Donley Huawei13:59:43 <RajeshGadiyar>#info Rajesh Gadiyar Intel13:59:45 <alla_>#info Alla Goldner Amdocs13:59:49 <Xiaojun>#info Xiaojun Xie, China Telecom14:00:05 <RannyHaiby>#info Ranny Haiby, Nokia14:00:35 <Ning>#info Ning, Reliance Jio14:00:52 <jamil>#info jamil for Orange14:02:32 <JasonHunt>#info Jason Hunt, IBM14:03:04 <frankbrockners>#info Frank Brockners, Cisco14:03:38 <tinatsou>#info Tina Tsou, Arm14:04:16 <Brianf>#proxy brianfreeman, at&t14:05:12 <SteveT>#info stephen terrill, ericsson14:05:22 <davidsauvageau>#info David Sauvageau, Bell14:08:23 <kennypaul>#topic nexus staging repository14:09:08 <kennypaul>#info Andy described the issue from the slides14:10:00 <kennypaul>#info SO project is impacted14:11:18 <kennypaul>#info SO is totally blocked14:16:40 <Susana_>#info Susana Sabater Vodafone14:17:23 <kennypaul>#info UI & DMAAP are also still showing as red14:18:17 <kennypaul>#to be discussed on helen's bridge following the TSC call https://zoom.us/j/446666888814:18:36 <kennypaul>#info will be discussed on helen's bridge following the TSC call https://zoom.us/j/446666888814:18:58 <kennypaul>#topic Release status14:20:49 <jamil> I think the priority should be on resolving defects for SDC
14:21:12 <kennypaul>#info gildas reviewed wiki data14:21:18 <kennypaul>#link https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/RCO+Status14:21:46 <kennypaul>#info discussion of SDC14:23:39 <jamil> Any other rumor on VVP ?
14:26:40 <phrobb>#info SDC just short of the 30% code coverage requirement for M4/RC0. guidance given that getting to 30% is the requirement to pass M0 and to be a part of RC0. As such getting to 30% code coverage is a higher priority than current know outstanding bugs posted against14:27:56 <phrobb>#undo14:27:56 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2de5210>
14:28:32 <kennypaul>#topic integration test14:28:55 <kennypaul>#info helen reviewed her slides14:33:47 <kennypaul>#chair cdonley14:33:47 <collabot> Current chairs: cdonley kennypaul phrobb
14:37:06 <Brianf> Is aliyun use openstack ?
14:39:21 <jamil> I can't understand the volte use case with 90% manual test in onap
14:41:13 <kennypaul>#info discussion of blockers and request for china infrastructure.14:42:17 <kennypaul>#info discussion of volte use case with 90% manual test14:44:19 <kennypaul>#info concern that vnf shared with integration differ from those shared w/ dev team14:44:30 <EricDebeau>#info using a VM as a jumphost in a public cloud should not cost a lot14:48:08 <kennypaul>#info discussion moved to integration call14:48:41 <kennypaul>#topic Carrier grade requirements.14:50:18 <kennypaul>#info JasonHunt reviewed slide deck14:53:59 <EricDebeau>#info we should leverage OPNFV feedbacks on testing14:56:03 <kennypaul>#info discussion of upfront engineering and additional lab resources14:56:21 <jamil> Yes I have presented OPNFV testing tool during the last ONAP meeting in Paris
14:58:43 <kennypaul>#info concerns around nonfunctional requirements timelines and process flow15:00:38 <kennypaul>#info proposal that carrier grade requirements take another 2 weeks15:01:51 <kennypaul>#info proposal non carrier grade impact review and present first and carrier grade reviewed in a 2nd pass15:03:47 <kennypaul>#info add to agenda for next week15:05:52 <kennypaul>#info move defect definitions to email vote15:06:10 <kennypaul>#info move control loop to next week.15:06:52 <kennypaul>#endmeeting