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Antitrust Policy Notice

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

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Agenda Items

Presented By


Strategy (45 minutes)

ONAP takeaways

We are encouraging ONAP consumers to share with us their feedback, so we could prioritize our activities and make ONAP better suited their needs and requirements.

LFN Cross-Organization Updates


Byung-Woo Jun

LJ Illuzzi

Discussions between Arpit Joshipura, Byung-Woo Jun, Jill Lovato, Louis Illuzzi and Sunny Cai:

  • Highlight the value proposition of ONAP, including overall statistics (e.g., contributors, LOC, etc.) over its lifetime.

  • ONAP messaging 2025

  • Byung-Woo Jun, finished its draft . Then, the LFN Marketing team will review it.

TCC / ONAP Liaison Updates

Task Force Updates

LFN Board Meeting Update - ONAP Evolution Proposal

Byung-Woo Jun

LJ Illuzzi

Ranny Haiby

The concept of elevating ONAP modules to semi-standalone entities was presented to the board and got positive feedback. One request that did come up was to clarify the evolution of the integration tests that are currently part of the ONAP-wide release process (will they still exist in some form to ensure interoperability between the independent modules?). The next step would be executing the necessary changes in the ONAP CI/CD system. I see that @Byung-Woo Jun already has a sessions planned for the ONAP DTF Day ( to discuss the next level of details. @LJ Illuzzi and I will of course support from the LF side.  

  • Also, credits go to Ciaran Johnston and Christian Olrog 
  • Byung-Woo Jun,

At the ONAP DTF days, I plan to present the ONAP TSC roadmap and Architecture evolution, covering this concept. Working with DT and other ONAP participating companies, I have outlined how ONAP will enable the individual build and deployment of ONAP components under the ONAP Streamlining evolution; i.e., ONAP already supports these capabilities.

The current OOM enhancements led by Andreas Geissler for ONAP CI/CD and ONAP architecture, leveraging Argo CD were tested during the Oslo release by DT and ARCCOM. Now, DT plans to contribute to ONAP CI/CD further by using both Argo CD and Flux during the Paris release. Additionally, China Telecom, China Mobile and DT have integrated several core ONAP components, referred to as Lightweight ONAP solutions, for their 5G and upcoming 6G.

Over the past couple of years, under the ONAP Streamlining evolution led by me (Byung), we have established a solid foundation, which has proven to be valuable.  

Furthermore, ONAP TSC and ARCCOM have already discussed the possible integration solutions by leveraging individually built ONAP components. We are currently in the process of formalizing integration procedures and developing use cases for higher-level solutions.  Additionally, I proposed the Runtime CI/CD for ONAP, and it will be part of my ONAP DTF Days presentations.

I fully agree with this direction, and we are proud of the foundational work achieved through this evolution. More to come…  We have seen the future 😊

I plan to present the evolution to the ONAP DTF Days, and I look forward to collaborating with you all.

  • Kudos to all ONAP contributors!!! Thanks!
  • We need documentation for formalizing this new evolution. such as each each project documentation, API, security, release cycle, etc. 

LF GenAI Commons

Byung-Woo Jun

ETSI NFV Liaison Report

Keguang He

Byung-Woo Jun

ONAP DTF Days 2025

Byung-Woo Jun
  • Byung-Woo Jun, created a page for ONAP DTF DAYs 2025; we plan to collect ONAP DTF session topics here before presenting them to LFN, and schedule for the event.
    • Finalize the session topics and event schedule - TSC will decide next Thursday..

TSC Strategy

Byung-Woo Jun


From the Paris release, TSC needs to discuss ONAP focus areas and strategies / roadmaps

    •  TSC members to add thoughts

Let's discuss more this year for Paris +

Any questions or feedback? 

Byung-Woo Jun presented the brainstorm at the TSC meeting this week.


  • Ensure ONAP core components are focused and operate independently, from build to runtime
    • DT finishes Argo-CD and Flux based component independent deployment
      • optimizing code for Flux 
      • DT is productizing some of the selected ONAP core components early next year in their TNAP production environment
    • Declarative and Intent-based component operations by the Repository-based Network Automation : see the ideas from ONAP Architecture Evolution - 2025.pdf
  • Make ONAP core components more autonomous and ready for use by both ONAP, LF and other external users
      • During New Delhi and Oslo releases, CPS and Policy achieved the OpenSSF Gold Badging status. Kudos to the team!
      • Continue to promote/facilitate other ONAP core components for the Gold Badging status (e.g., UUI, SDNC) - Ramesh, Toine, Byung will invite Fiete to give him a list of work items for gold badging.
  • Incorporate more GenAI capabilities and use cases to the ONAP components, and promote the adoption of open-source LLM models and frameworks aligned with LF AI & Data and GenAI Commons
    • Collaborate with LF AI & Data GenAI Commons and Nephio GenAI for 5G and 6G
    • Open-source based models and controls
    • AI-Based Control Loop
    • AI Model-As-A-Service 
    • ETSI ISG NFV compliance for AI?
  • Foster inter-community collaboration with other LF communities, such as O-RAN and Nephio
    • SDNC enhancements (which is used by O-RAN OAM as is)
    • Resource-based Orchestration Pattern (leveraging CD and Operator)
    • Energy saving / monitoring ; N.K. Shankaranarayanan, rAPP in SMO is monitoring energy; it is an industry trend. 
  • Ensure the security of ONAP components and operations 
    • The latest security mechanism for communications (service mesh enhancements leveraging Istio and coming Ambient Mesh)
    • Deprecate unused sub-components and mitigate security vulnerabilities
  • Define a secure LFN CI/CD pipeline by leveraging OpenSSF-associated reference tools

Operations (40 minutes)

TSC Activities and Deadlines

Paris Release Status

Byung-Woo Jun


Byung-Woo Jun

louis li

  • ONAP wiki people search does not work. 
  • Need to open a LF IT ticket...
  • ,
    1. According to Eric Ball, This is an issue with Atlassian Cloud, so it's not something we can fix on our end. It may have to do with some issue with the data that was imported, but since it's an issue with the Cloud system, we don't have the ability to troubleshoot it within LFIT. Please check out for Atlassian Cloud product support.

    2. LJ Illuzzi, will discuss this with LF IT today...
      • This feature is removed for security reasons to not expose Personal Identifiable Information (PII).
    3. Done, LFAX individual dashboard or instead...

      We need to have a tool to analyse the code and provide information about certain type of cryptography used. Pawel - to open a ticket for that at LF IT. ,

      Need to add scanning for ONAP repos to provide information about certain type of cryptography used

      • Tony Hansen
        4 days ago 1:46 PM

        We've been talking about post-quantum cryptography support in ONAP. We will need to make sure that everywhere in ONAP there is something cryptographic used, it is already using a post-quantum algorithm or can be modified or reconfigured to use a post-quantum algorithm.

        So this requires us to identify everywhere in ONAP that uses any sort of cryptography. This includes encrypting files or streams, using certificates, and using cryptographic hashes.

        Pawel and Amy can comment more.

      Paweł Pawlak, needs a help from LF IT. LJ Illuzzi,will check it later, maybe next week

GoLang Job issues

murali parthasarathy k

Kevin Sandi

Deena Mukundan

    • Deena Mukundan
      • Last TSC meeting we discussed on kafka issue and it was updated that still work is in progress. All updates are mentioned in the ticket. Thanks, it seems to be working now (edited) ; done
    • IT-27801; Kevin Sandi, please take a look at this; working on it. will merge this morning and will test it.; 
    • murali parthasarathy k, NexusIQ license header issue - scanning; Paweł Pawlak, will take a look what kind of errors
      • Found licenses in the 'License not determined' license threat group ('Not Provided'); Paweł Pawlak, contact the code originator to add the license header; Byung-Woo Jun will check it with Murali.

      • Deena Mukundan, not working; Kevin Sandi, need more details; will check
    • NexusIQ ticket, Deena Mukundan, please raise a new ticket for the problems.

Subcommittee Updates

Arch, Lab, Modeling, Seccom, Requirements


    • Gold badging consultation to AAI?? aiming for AAI Silver for now
    • Runtime CI/CD presentation by Lincoln Lavoie from UNH at the SECCOM meeting on March 4, 2025.
      • Byung-Woo Jun, This could be a good study/investigation for ONAP Runtime CI/CD
      • waiting for Lincoln's presentation slide deck
      • Paweł Pawlak, possible E2E testing scenarios; program tests; 
    • Byung-Woo Jun, Should we work on the secure ci/cd for LFN?

    • Andreas provided the list of the Java versions per project. versions_reporting.html ONAP-Component-Java-Versions_Reporting..pdf

      • AP: Dan Timoney, try it with SDNC to build basic image automatically regularly and update Docker file as needed. He will try it and let us know. 

        • Dan will share his testing results with us. 
        • Dan Timoney - recreate new documents; presentation to PTLs, a week from next Monday.
    • Nexus-IQ scan for Node.js and Angular in ONAP: Paweł Pawlak, opened a LF IT ticket, 

      • Kevin Sandi,  will check with Matt and estimate the effort; already provide info; github action can support; we can close this ticket.

      • Done
      • We need to check other ONAP components with GUI, such as UUI, SDC-FE, SO-FE.
      • @Paweł Pawlak , will look at Kevin’s comments

      • Matthew will take a look at the Maven job.

    • Upcoming presentation proposals from the 5G SBPs community:
      • A new 5G SBP integration project- a joint LFN/LFEdge project aimed at creating a new distributed edge data cloud that service providers can offer to their customers. The community is looking for feedback from service providers about the technology and business opportunities it might create. Proposal to be present on the March 11 SECCOM meeting.
      • QORE: Quantumized Core Solution- Beyond 5G core solution integrated with post quantum cryptography.  Proposal to be present on the March 18 SECCOM meeting.

Nephio OpenSSF Badging

Byung-Woo Jun

OOM Update

Andreas Geißler
  • Istio TLS version (1.3) working
  • ArgoCD deployment
  • Fixes for security vulnerabilities
  • Gating pipelines and test results - enhancements
  • others?

O-RAN Update

N.K. Shankaranarayanan
  • Any O-RAN Update?
  • After the O-RAN meeting next week, some update...
  • ORAN F2F in Paris; O-RAN alliance focus group - more collaboration with OAI, OSC; try to make linkages between OSC and O-RAN Alliance (standardization body); ONAP is for SMO; SMO (FACOM and ...) and O-Cloud; ONAP needs to focus on intent-based and AI for SMO; AI-events for RAN and mobile?
    Link to OSC sessions at O-RAN Paris Feb 2025 meeting:
    (see demos on Nephi/OAI O-Cloud, OSC SMO plan, progress in O-RAN M-plane enablement)
  • LFN TAC, page status update; ONAP will check with the governing board what we need to do...
  • FYI... Atif from Infosys asked Byung whether there are any oran initiatives. Byung asked him to send me his contribution plans.
OpenSSF - Policy Gold badgingRamesh Murugan Iyer

Events & Meetings

(5 minutes)

Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

LJ Illuzzi

Byung-Woo Jun

  • LFN's KubeCon + CloudNative Con EU sponsorship that enables us to host Cloud Native Telco Day. LFN will have a booth onsite at the main KC + CNC show floor,  April 2-4. 

    Call to Action- LFN is looking for community members to help staff the booth, as well as project or collaborative demos that we can showcase in the booth.

Reach out to Jill Lovato if you want to volunteer at the LFN booth or have a project or

collaborative demo to showcase at the booth

  • The 2025 Networking & Open Source Survey ended. Thanks to all who participated and completed the survey. Survey results from LF Research will be made available once it is ready.

  • 2025 LFN Events- as per the guidance of LFN Governing Board
    • All projects can have a virtual dev event (with LF help) to focus on upcoming releases and strategy

    • A series of virtual workshops around a specific topic (to be determined by the TAC) - eg Domain Specific AI, Security, etc

  • LF Member Summit: March 18-20, Napa, California;

    Registration for the Linux Foundation Member Summit 2025 is now open!  

    • Click here to log in and start the registration process.
    • Select the registration type "Invitation Acceptance".
    • Enter the voucher code LFMS24AIDBOARD in the code field and click Next.
    • Complete the required questions and click Submit on the Payment page to finalize your registration.
    • We will have a Member Meetup the day before from 1-5pm for any members that are planning to join!
