Versions Compared


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What’s this?


How to use it?


Spring AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming

  • Intercept method calls within a specific package

  • Measures execution time and log relevant details

  • Pure Java

  • Dependency

    • aspectjrt

    • spring-boot-starter-aop

  • Annotation and set up

    • Code Block
      public class CpsLoggingAspectService {
      • sets up spring AOP

    • Code Block
      private static final String CPS_PACKAGE_NAME = "org.onap.cps";
      private static final String ALL_CPS_METHODS = "execution(* " + CPS_PACKAGE_NAME + "..*(..)))";
      private static final String METHOD_RETURNING_SENSITIVE_DATA = "AuthPassword";
      private static final String SENSITIVE_DATA_MASK = "***********";
      public Object interceptMethodCall(final ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint) {...}
      • line 5 expression tells spring to intercept all cps methods in the given package

        • uses stopwatch to record start and end time of method execution

      • the method above also states to mask all logging data from methods that contains ‘AuthPassword’ (line 3) from the method signature name

        • this method can be modified to tell what to do before and after a method runs

    • in logs, sample result:

  • all public methods in the packages configured in set up

    • no annotation needed

  1. Default logging level of “” is set to “INFO”.


    to change this, set line 194 ( to DEBUG)

  2. Changing logging level dynamically

    1. see Change logging level

  • can control easily which packages and/or methods to run by changing the constants

  • no repetitive code for debugging all method performances to see when methods are executed, their parameters, return values etc.

  • note that there might be degradation in performance when enabled

  • “@Around"/@Before/@After annotation takes other expressions to specify to Spring which methods you want to monitor , can be based on their name, parameters, or return type…examples:

    • @Around("execution(* org.thirdparty.library.*.*(..))") - only intercepts methods of the given library

    • @Around("execution(*org.onap.cps.*.*(org.onap.TrustLevel))") - only intercepts methods with TrustLevel as first parameter


  • allows to collect metrics with use of annotation

  • integrates with Spring boot Actuator

  • TimedAspect (micrometer class) uses AOP

  • Annotation and set up


    • wherever annotation “@Timed” is used, timing metrics is automatically applied to that method (org/onap/cps/config/

      • our methods are annotated in the following way:

        • Code Block
              @Timed(value = "",
          description = "Time taken to create schemaset from controller")
          • specified given “value” will be the name of the metric

          • description is the details of the given metric

  • all methods with @Timed annotation

    Code Block
                @Timed(value = "cps.ncmp.controller.get", description = "Time taken to get resource data from datastore")
                @Timed(value = "cps.ncmp.inventory.controller.update",
                @Timed(value = "cps.ncmp.dmi.get",
                @Timed(value = "cps.ncmp.inventory.persistence.schemaset.delete",
                @Timed(value = "cps.ncmp.inventory.persistence.schemaset.delete.batch",
                @Timed(value = "cps.ncmp.inventory.persistence.datanode.get",
                @Timed(value = "cps.ncmp.inventory.persistence.datanode.get",
                @Timed(value = "cps.ncmp.cmhandle.state.update.batch",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "cps.module.service.schemaset.create",
                @Timed(value = "cps.module.service.module.reference.query",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "", description = "Time taken to publish Data Update event")
                @Timed(value = "cps.utils.yangparser.nodedata.with.parent.parse",
                @Timed(value = "cps.utils.yangparser.nodedata.with.parent.with.yangResourceMap.parse",
                @Timed(value = "",
                @Timed(value = "", description = "Time taken to build a ODL yang Model")

  • all @Bean annotated methods returning Gauge

    • Code Block
      public Gauge advisedCmHandles(final MeterRegistry meterRegistry) {}
      public Gauge readyCmHandles(final MeterRegistry meterRegistry) {}
      public Gauge lockedCmHandles(final MeterRegistry meterRegistry) {}
      public Gauge deletingCmHandles(final MeterRegistry meterRegistry) {}
      public Gauge deletedCmHandles(final MeterRegistry meterRegistry) {}
  • other annotations that can be added

    • @Counted@Gauge

  • enabled by default

  • collected metrics are accessible via endpoint of actuator/prometheus

    • see application.yml - management.endpoint.web.exposure.include: info,health,loggers,prometheus

    • http://localhost:8080/actuator/prometheus

  • Grafana - use

    • uses prometheus readings to visualise

    • see cps docker-compose

      • includes custom dashboards such as LCM states

  • what can we get?

    • metrics: counters, gauges, timers

      • right now we only have timer and gauges but counters and gauges can be added to the configuration

    • HTTP request metrics response times, request counts etc

    • JVM metrics (memory usage,garbage collection, thread count, class loading stats)

    • Datasource metrics (connection pool stats)

    • System metrics (disk space, CPU usage etc)

    • Code Block
        "names": [
  • sample actuator/prometheus output

    • image-20241111-053418.png

  • additional sample /actuator/metrics/cps.module.service.schemaset.create output

    • add metric to actuator endpoint exposure -management.endpoint.web.exposure.include: info,health,loggers,prometheus,metric

    • image-20241111-060630.png


end-to-end tracing (tracing requests across services)

OpenTelemetry - open-source set of APIs, libraries, agents, and instrumentation to monitor application. Allows to collect metrics, logs, and traces

Jaeger - open-source distributed tracing system used with OpenTelemetry to visualise traces and understand flow of requests

** we use OpenTelemetry to send trace data to Jaeger and view it in Jaeger UI

  • Annotation and set up


    • Code Block
          private String serviceId;
          private String tracingExporterEndpointUrl;
          private String jaegerRemoteSamplerUrl;
          private String excludedObservationNamesAsCsv;
      • serviceId : states the application to be monitored

      • tracingExporterEndpointUrl : (OpenTelemetry collector endpoint) this is where traced data by openTelemetry will be exported

      • jaegerRemoteSamplerUrl : (remote sampler endpoint) this controls the sampling trace behaviour

    • Code Block
              "${cps.tracing.enabled} && 'grpc'.equals('${cps.tracing.exporter.protocol}')")
          public OtlpGrpcSpanExporter createOtlpExporterGrpc() {
              return OtlpGrpcSpanExporter.builder().setEndpoint(tracingExporterEndpointUrl).build();
              "${cps.tracing.enabled} && 'http'.equals('${cps.tracing.exporter.protocol}')")
          public OtlpHttpSpanExporter createOtlpExporterHttp() {
              return OtlpHttpSpanExporter.builder().setEndpoint(tracingExporterEndpointUrl).build();
      • **OTLP is the protocol openTelemetry uses to send traces and metrics. In this case we have two ways HTTP and grpc. NOTE: we are by default using ‘grpc’

    • Code Block
          public JaegerRemoteSampler createJaegerRemoteSampler() {
              return JaegerRemoteSampler.builder()
      • creates the JaegerSampler bean specifying

        • sampling happens every 30 seconds

          • Code Block
    • Code Block
          public ObservationRegistryCustomizer<ObservationRegistry> skipActuatorEndpointsFromObservation() {
              final PathMatcher pathMatcher = new AntPathMatcher("/");
              return registry ->
          private ObservationPredicate observationPredicate(final PathMatcher pathMatcher) {
              return (observationName, context) -> {
                  if (context instanceof ServerRequestObservationContext observationContext) {
                      return !pathMatcher.match("/actuator/**", observationContext.getCarrier().getRequestURI());
                  } else {
                      return !excludedObservationNames.contains(observationName);
      • the ObservationRegistry specifies how traces and metrics are handled in the application

        • in our code above, it is specified that any endpoints with “/actuator” is excluded from traces

  • service interactions

  • excluded-observation-names: ${ONAP_EXCLUDED_OBSERVATION_NAMES:tasks.scheduled.execution}

  • disabled by default

  • run CPS via docker-compose file with ‘tracing’ profile

    • set ‘ONAP_TRACING_ENABLED’ to true for cps-and-ncmp service

      • image-20241113-104243.png

  • access tracing through accessing http://localhost:16686 in browser

    • see docker-compose notes

** Trace shows the journey of the request flow. It is made up of spans which shows each operations

** Each span has metadata: id ,start and end time, operation name (i.e. HTTP GET), status code, response time etc..

What gets traced?

  • HTTP Requests (Inbound)

    • when requests comes in , trace is generated. The span for this could have http method, url path, status code, time taken to process the request etc…

  • Internal Rest Calls (Outbound)

    • when cps makes an outbound http call to another service , trace is created. span can include url of the called service,http method, status code, duration of the call

  • Method Calls within Your Application (Service Layer)

    • public

  • Asynchronous Operations

    • @Async annotated operations

  • External System Calls

    • Kafka

  • Error Handling (Exceptions)

~Database Queries

  • effect on performance

  • can compare in UI two traces for analysis

    • image-20241112-113540.png

  • can use to identify where failures occur in the service chain

    • example:

      • after registering cmhandles for dm1, i tried to get all cmhandles for that dmi and got 200 and the correct results

      • OpenTelemetry though shows where an exception occured in the background

