VNFRQTS <> Integration Project Workflow

VNFRQTS <> Integration Project Workflow

One of the objectives of the ONAP open source community is to enable VNF developers to use  the ONAP platform to develop conformant VNFs. The ONAP community itself uses a number of Open Source Reference VNFs for demonstration and testing purposes. Such Reference VNFs provide examples of not only good coding practices, but also good documentation practices.  The E2E use cases for ONAP release 1 identify a number of VNFs:

The TSC identified the following Use cases for Release A:

TSC Use Case

VNFs identified in TSC Use case

TSC Use Case

VNFs identified in TSC Use case

Use Case: Residential Broadband vCPE (Approved)

vBNG, vG_MUX, vG,  vAAA, vDHCP, vDNS

Use Case: vFW/vDNS (Approved)

vFW, vPacketGenerator, vDataSink, vDNS, vLoadBalancer,

all VPP based.

Use Case: VoLTE(approved)


These Reference VNFs should have  documentation associated with them  that describes the degree of compliance with the VNF Requirement developed by the VNFRQTS project.  ( see JIRA EPIC DOC-28). The Reference VNFS are managed by the Integration project.  The compliance documentation for Reference VNFs is generated by the Integration project, and published through the documentation project.  The compliance documentation relies on the tabulation of requirements generated by the VNFRQTS project. (see  the VNFRQTS-6 EPIC and VNFRQTS-27 User Story). The figure below shows the general workflow between the projects.