VF-C CSIT Test Cases guide

VF-C CSIT Test Cases guide

 We use CSIT of vfc-nfvo-lcm as an example to describe the guide.

  1. Add jjb job in ci-management
    a) Enter directory jjb\vfc in ci-management
    b) add vfc-xxx-yyy-csit.yaml (ref to vfc-nfvo-lcm-csit.yaml)

    - project:
    name: vfc-nfvo-lcm-csit
        - '{project-name}-{stream}-verify-csit-{functionality}'
        - '{project-name}-{stream}-csit-{functionality}'
    project-name: 'vfc-nfvo-lcm'
    stream: 'master'
        - 'sanity-check':
            - 'vfc-nfvo-lcm-master-docker-java-version-shell-daily'
    robot-options: ''
    branch: 'master'

    Note:  1) project-name: 'vfc-nfvo-lcm' and - 'sanity-check':  must be used as directory name in test\csit\plans of integration project
                   you can ref to directory test\csit\plans\vfc-nfvo-lcm\sanity-check of integration project
               2) when the yaml is merged, Jenkins will have two jobs, one is verify job(will be triggered when you push codes in integration project)
                   the other is a daily job which will be triggered after docker-java-version-shell-daily job finished. 

  2. Add setup.sh, teardown.sh, testplan.txt in test\csit\plans of integration project
    a) Enter directory test\csit\plans
    b) Create directory using <project-name>/<functionality> defined in jjb yaml. (ref to vfc-nfvo-lcm\sanity-check)
    c) Create setup.sh, teardown.sh, testplan.txt (ref to test\csit\plans\vfc-nfvo-lcm\sanity-check)

  3. Add robotframework test in test\csit\tests\vfc of integration project
    a) Create a directory in test\csit\tests\vfc, note the directory must be constant with that defined in testplan.txt 
    b) Create test.robot file to write csit test cases.

  4. Confirm CSIT in jenkins.
    you can see from the following pic.

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