User Operation Guide for Honolulu release

User Operation Guide for Honolulu release

Refer Install Minimum Scope for Option 1 for E2E slicing use case set up.


Below videos provide step by step instructions for the below scenarios. 

  1. Create new E2ESlice

  2. Share an existing E2ESlice

  3. Closed Loop ( PM data fed to PM-Mapper directly)

Pre-recorded videos for all these scenarios and the LFN 2021 live demo recording are attached.

Pre-Recorded Videos:

1.New E2ESlice Creation

2.E2ESlice - Shared Scenario

3.Closed Loop


LFN June 2021 Live Demo recording

Note on UUI inputs:

Screen: Create Communication Service Service

1. New Slice & Shared Slice scenario - 'Mobility' in the 'Create Communication Service Service' screen should not be Stationary for eMBB Slices

2. Shared scenario - Data Rate Uplink and Data Rate Downlink values can be less than the existing slice and the latency can be greater than the existing slice for reusing the existing slice

Important Documents


Document Links


Document Links

LFN_DTF_Jun 2021 Presentation 


LFN_DTF_Jun 2021 Demo Sequences

E2E Network Slicing-LFN_DTF_Demo_screenshots.pptx

Demo Logs

E2E Slice - New & Reuse.zip

Closed Loop.zip