ONAP Normative container base images
The ONAP developer community and early adopters have expressed concern with the size of the images. A strong rationale is to optimize ONAP image sizes.
Images contained the in official repositories have clear documentation, promote best practices and support common use cases.
Using the base images provided here, users could still build a custom images with just the necessary pre-compiled libraries to save space.
ONAP projects are encouraged to use the images listed below.
These images can be sourced from official, curated repositories, for example https://hub.docker.com/explore/?page=1
Recommended base images
Current Base Image | Recommended Base Image** | Supports CPU architecture-agnostic deployments |
alpine alpine:3.3 alpine:3.6 alpine:3.7 | alpine:3.8 | Yes |
busybox:latest | busybox:1.29.2 | Yes |
java:8 openjdk:8 openjdk:8-jdk openjdk:8-jdk-alpine | openjdk:8-alpine | Yes |
java:openjdk-8-jre openjdk:8-jre openjdk:8-jre-slim openjdk:8-jre-alpine | openjdk:8-jre-alpine | Yes |
openjdk:8u121-jre-alpine | openjdk:8u171-jre-alpine | Yes |
jetty:9.3-jre8 jetty:9.3-jre8-alpine jetty:alpine jetty:9.4.9-alpine | jetty:9.4-jre8-alpine | Yes |
nginx:1.11.9-alpine nginx:1.11.8 nginx:1.11.9-alpine nginx:1.13.3-alpine nginx:alpine | nginx:1.15-alpine | Yes |
node:4.6.0 node:6.10.3 | node:6.14-alpine | Yes |
node:8-alpine node:8.11.1 | node:8.12-alpine | Yes |
openresty/openresty:alpine | openresty/openresty:alpine | TBD |
python:alpine python:2 python:2.7 python:2.7.14 python:2.7-alpine python:3.6 python:3.6.1 | python:3-alpine python:2-alpine | Yes |
httpd | httpd:2.4.35-alpine | Yes |
postgres:9.4 postgres:9.6 | postgress:9.6-alpine | Yes |
cassandra:2.1.17 cassandra:2.1.9 cassandra:3.0 | cassandra:3.11.3 | Yes |
erlang:19.3 | erlang:21.1-alpine | Yes |
tomcat:8.0-jre8 tomcat:8.5 | tomcat:8.0-jre8-alpine tomcat:8.5-alpine | Yes |
zookeeper:3.4 | zookeeper:3.4.13 | Yes |
redis:4.0.8 | redis:4.0.11-alpine | Yes |
ubuntu ubuntu:14.04 ubuntu:16.04 ubuntu:16.04 ubuntu:trusty | alpine:3.8 | Yes |
(**) Recommended release, users are encouraged to choose newer official releases.