Design Time Model Clean Version

Design Time Model Clean Version

This page shows the current agreement on the design time information model of resources for ONAP R2.

NOTE: Differences with ETSI IFA011 v2.3.2 (draft) are marked in orange.

Class: Vnfd

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes

Identifier of this VNFD information element. This attribute shall be globally unique.

NOTE: The VNFD Identifier shall be used as the unique identifier of the VNF Package that contains this VNFD.

Any modification of the content of the VNFD or the VNF Package shall result in a new VNFD Identifier.
support: MANDATORY
vnfProviderString1Provider of the VNF and of the VNFD.support: MANDATORY
vnfProductNameString1Name to identify the VNF Product. Invariant for the VNF Product lifetime.support: MANDATORY
vnfSoftwareVersionString1Software version of the VNF. This is changed when there is any change to the software that is included in the VNF Package.support: MANDATORY
vnfdVersionString1Identifies the version of the VNFD.support: MANDATORY
vnfProductInfoNameString0..1Human readable name for the VNF Product. Can change during the VNF Product lifetime.support: MANDATORY
vnfProductInfoDescriptionString0..1Human readable description of the VNF Product. Can change during the VNF Product lifetime.support: MANDATORY
vnfmInfoString0..NIdentifies VNFM(s) compatible with the VNF described in this version of the VNFD.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: use the name of micro-service of the vnfm drive. For vendor specific VNFM, the value composes of "vendorname" and "vnfmdriver", e.g. "mycompanyvnfmdriver"; for generic VNFM, the value is "gvnfmdriver".


Information about localization languages of the VNF (includes e.g. strings in the VNFD).

NOTE: This allows to provide one or more localization languages to support selecting a specific localization language at VNF instantiation time.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: refer to ISO936 https://www.iso.org/iso-639-language-codes.html


Default localization language that is instantiated if no information about selected localization language is available.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: refer to ISO936 https://www.iso.org/iso-639-language-codes.html

condition: Shall be present if "localizationLanguage" is present and shall be absent otherwise.

vduVdu1..NVirtualisation Deployment Unit.support: MANDATORY
virtualComputeDescVirtualComputeDesc1..NDefines descriptors of virtual compute resources to be used by the VNF.support: MANDATORY
virtualStorageDescVirtualStorageDesc0..NDefines descriptors of virtual storage resources to be used by the VNF.support: MANDATORY
intVirtualLinkDescVnfVirtualLinkDesc0..NRepresents the type of network connectivity mandated by the VNF provider between two or more CPs which includes at least one internal CP.support: MANDATORY
vnfReservedCpdVduCpd0..NReserved IP Address for VNF which is not bounded to any specific VNFC, but assigned manually from outside and potentially shared as a floating IP among VNFCs.support: MANDATORY
vnfExtCpdVnfExtCpd1..NDescribes external interface(s) exposed by this VNF enabling connection with a VL.support: MANDATORY
deploymentFlavourVnfDf1..NDescribes specific DF(s) of a VNF with specific requirements for capacity and performance.support: MANDATORY
configurablePropertiesVnfConfigurableProperties0..1Describes the configurable properties of the VNF (e.g. related to auto scaling and auto healing).support: MANDATORY

Describes the modifiable attributes of the VNF.

Editor's note: need check the usage of this attribute

support: MANDATORY
lifeCycleManagementScriptLifeCycleManagementScript0..NIncludes a list of events and corresponding management scripts performed for the VNF.support: MANDATORY
elementGroupVnfdElementGroup0..NDescribes the associated elements of a VNFD for a certain purpose during VNF lifecycle management.support: MANDATORY
vnfIndicatorVnfIndicator0..NDeclares the VNF indicators that are supported by this VNF.support: MANDATORY
logoString0..1File path of the vendor specified logo.support: MANDATORY
guideString0..1UUID of the vendor guide/documentation which is attached to VNF and can be downloaded from the model.support: MANDATORY

Class: Vdu

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes

Unique identifier of this Vdu in VNFD.

support: MANDATORY
nameString1Human readable name of the Vdu.support: MANDATORY
descriptionString1Human readable description of the Vdu.support: MANDATORY
intCpdVduCpd1..NDescribes network connectivity between a VNFC instance (based on this Vdu) and an Virtual Link (VL).support: MANDATORY
virtualComputeDescIdentifier (reference to VirtualComputeDesc)1Describes CPU, Memory and acceleration requirements of the Virtualisation Container realising this Vdu.support: MANDATORY
virtualStorageDescIdentifier (reference to VirtualStorageDesc)0..NDescribes storage requirements for a VirtualStorage instance attached to the virtualisation container created from virtualComputeDesc defined for this Vdu.support: MANDATORY

Boot order of valid boot devices.

NOTE: If no boot order is defined the default boot order defined in the VIM or NFVI shall be used.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: "key/name" indicates the the boot index (lowest index defines highest boot priority). "value" references a descriptor from which a valid boot device is created e.g. VirtualStorageDesc from which a VirtualStorage instance is created.



Editor's note: the scenario of using "0" needs to be clarified.

Describes the software image which is directly loaded on the virtualisation container realising this Vdu.

NOTE: More software images can be attached to the virtualisation container using VirtualStorage resources.

support: MANDATORY

Describes constraints on the NFVI for the VNFC instance(s) created from this Vdu. For example, aspects of a secure hosting environment for the VNFC instance that involve additional entities or processes.

NOTE: These are constraints other than stipulating that a VNFC instance has access to a certain resource, as a prerequisite to instantiation. The attributes virtualComputeDesc and virtualStorageDesc define the resources required for instantiation of the VNFC instance.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: "key/name" includes "AvailabilityZone", "HostAggregates".

monitoringParameterMonitoringParameter0..NDefines the virtualised resources monitoring parameters on VDU level.support: MANDATORY
configurablePropertiesVnfcConfigurableProperties1Describes the configurable properties of all VNFC instances based on this VDU.support: MANDATORY
injectFilesString0..NDescribes the information (e.g. URL) about the scripts, config drive metadata, etc. which can be used during Vdu booting process.support: MANDATORY

Class: SwImageDesc

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes
idIdentifier1The identifier of this software image.support: MANDATORY
nameString1The name of this software image.support: MANDATORY
versionString1The version of this software image.support: MANDATORY
checksumString1The checksum of the software image file.support: MANDATORY
containerFormatString1The container format describes the container file format in which software image is provided.support: MANDATORY
diskFormatString1The disk format of a software image is the format of the underlying disk image.support: MANDATORY
minDiskNumber (recommended DM type: Scalar-Unit-Size)1The minimal disk size requirement for this software image. The value of the "size of storage" attribute of the VirtualStorageDesc referencing this SwImageDesc shall not be smaller than the value of minDisk.support: MANDATORY
minRamNumber (recommended DM type: Scalar-Unit-Size)0..1The minimal RAM requirement for this software image. The value of the "size" attribute of VirtualMemoryData of the Vdu referencing this SwImageDesc shall not be smaller than the value of minRam.support: MANDATORY
sizeNumber (recommended DM type: Scalar-Unit-Size)1The size of this software image.support: MANDATORY


Identifier (Reference to a SwImage)1This is a reference to the actual software image. The reference can be relative to the root of the VNF Package or can be a URL.support: MANDATORY

Identifies the operating system used in the software image. This attribute may also identify if a 32 bit or 64 bit software image is used.

support: MANDATORY
supportedVirtualisationEnvironmentString0..NIdentifies the virtualisation environments (e.g. hypervisor) compatible with this software image.support: MANDATORY

Class: VirtualComputeDesc

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes
virtualComputeDescIdIdentifier1Unique identifier of this VirtualComputeDesc in the VNFD.support: MANDATORY
logicalNode (logical_node_id in SOL001)LogicalNodeData1..NThe logical Node requirements.support: MANDATORY
requestAdditionalCapabilitiesRequestedAdditionalCapabilityData0..NSpecifies requirements for additional capabilities. These may be for a range of purposes. One example is acceleration related capabilities.support: MANDATORY
computeRequirementsKeyValuePair0..NSpecifies compute requirements.support: MANDATORY



1The virtual memory of the virtualised compute.support: MANDATORY



1The virtual CPU(s) of the virtualised compute.support: MANDATORY

Class: VirtualCpuData

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes
cpuArchitectureString0..1CPU architecture type. Examples are x86, ARM. The cardinality can be 0 during the allocation request, if no particular CPU architecture type is requested.support: MANDATORY
numVirtualCpuInteger1Number of virtual CPUs.support: MANDATORY
virtualCpuClockNumber (recommended DM type: Scalar-Unit-Freq)0..1Minimum virtual CPU clock rate (e.g. in MHz). The cardinality can be 0 during the allocation request, if no particular value is requested.support: MANDATORY
virtualCpuOversubscriptionPolicyString0..1The CPU core oversubscription policy e.g. the relation of virtual CPU cores to physical CPU cores/threads. The cardinality can be 0 during the allocation request, if no particular value is requested.support: MANDATORY
vduCpuRequirementsKeyValuePair0..NArray of key-value pair requirements on the Compute (CPU) for the VDU.support: MANDATORY
virtualCpuPinningVirtualCpuPinningData0..1The virtual CPU pinning configuration for the virtualised compute resource.

support: MANDATORY

editor's note: need to check whether can be optional

Class: VirtualMemoryData

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes
virtualMemSizeNumber (recommended DM type: Scalar-Unit-Size)1Amount of virtual Memory (e.g. in MB).support: MANDATORY
virtualMemOversubscriptionPolicyString0..1The memory core oversubscription policy in terms of virtual memory to physical memory on the platform. The cardinality can be 0 during the allocation request, if no particular value is requested.support: MANDATORY
vduMemRequirementsKeyValuePair0..NArray of key-value pair requirements on the memory for the VDU.support: MANDATORY

It specifies the memory allocation to be cognisant of the relevant process/core allocation. The cardinality can be 0 during the allocation request, if no particular value is requested.

support: MANDATORY

Class: VirtualStorageDesc

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




Unique identifier of this VirtualStorageDesc in the VNFD.

support: MANDATORY




Type of virtualised storage resource
(e.g. volume, object).

support: MANDATORY


Number (recommended DM type: Scalar-Unit-Size)


Size of virtualised storage resource
(e.g. size of volume, in GB).

support: MANDATORY




An array of key-value pairs that articulate the storage deployment requirements.

support: MANDATORY




Indicate if the storage support RDMA.

support: MANDATORY


Identifier (Reference to SwImageDesc)


Software image to be loaded on the VirtualStorage resource created based on this VirtualStorageDesc.

support: MANDATORY

Class: LogicalNodeData

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




The logical node-level compute, memory and I/O requirements. An array of key-value pairs that articulate the deployment requirements.

This could include the number of CPU cores on this logical node, a memory configuration specific to a logical node (e.g. such as available in the Linux kernel via the libnuma library) or a requirement related to the association of an I/O device with the logical node.

support: MANDATORY

Class: Cpd

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




Identifier of this Cpd information element.

support: MANDATORY




Identifies the role of the port in the context of the traffic flow patterns in the VNF or parent NS.

For example a VNF with a tree flow pattern within the VNF will have legal cpRoles of ROOT and LEAF.

support: MANDATORY




Provides human-readable information on the purpose of the CP (e.g. CP for control plane traffic).

support: MANDATORY




Identifies the protocol layering information the CP uses for connectivity purposes and associated information. There shall be one cpProtocol for each layer protocol as indicated by the attribute layerProtocol.

Editor's note: the attribute "layerProtocol" still needs further discussion and not included in this table.

support: MANDATORY




Information about whether the CP instantiated from this CPD is in Trunk mode (802.1Q or other).

support: MANDATORY




For specifying floating IP(s) to be shared among Cpds, which are reserved for vnfReservedCpd described in the VNFD.

support: MANDATORY

Class: VduCpd

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes


Number (recommended DM type: Scalar-Unit-Rate)


Bitrate requirement on this CP.

support: MANDATORY




Describes the name of the vNIC this CP attaches to, e.g. eth0. It will be configured during the Vdu booting process.

support: MANDATORY




Describes the order to create the vNIC within the scope of this Vdu.

support: MANDATORY




Describes the type of the vNIC this CP attaches to.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: normal, macvtap, direct, baremetal, direct-physical and virtio-forwarder

virtualNetworkInterfaceRequirementsVirtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements0..NSpecifies requirements on a virtual network interface realising the CPs instantiated from this CPD.support: MANDATORY
(inherited attributes)

All attributes inherited from Cpd.

Class: VnfExtCpd

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes


Identifier (Reference to VduCpd)


Reference to the internal VDU CPD which is used to instantiate internal CPs. These internal CPs are, in turn, exposed as external CPs defined by this external CPD.

support: MANDATORY

Specifies requirements on a virtual network interface realising the CPs instantiated from this CPD.

NOTE: In case of referencing an intCpd via its identifier, the virtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements attribute of the referenced intCpd applies.

support: MANDATORY

(inherited attributes)

All attributes inherited from Cpd.

Class: VduProfile

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes


Identifier (Reference to Vdu)


Uniquely identifies a VDU.

support: MANDATORY




Minimum number of instances of the VNFC based on this VDU that is permitted to exist for this flavour.

support: MANDATORY




Maximum number of instances of the VNFC based on this VDU that is permitted to exist for this flavour.

support: MANDATORY




Specifies affinity or anti-affinity rules applicable between the virtualisation containers (e.g. virtual machines) to be created based on this VDU.

When the cardinality is greater than 1, both affinity rule(s) and anti-affinity rule(s) with different scopes (e.g. "Affinity with the scope resource zone and anti-affinity with the scope NFVI node") are applicable to the virtualisation containers (e.g. virtual machines) to be created based on this VDU.

support: MANDATORY


Identifier(s) of the affinity or anti-affinity group(s) the VDU belongs to.

NOTE: Each identifier references an affinity or anti-affinity group which expresses affinity or anti-affinity relationships between the virtualisation container(s) (e.g. virtual machine(s)) to be created using this VDU and the virtualisation container(s) (e.g. virtual machine(s)) to be created using other VDU(s) in the same group.

support: MANDATORY
watchdogString0..1Watchdog action to be triggered by the VIM for the VNF in case the heart beat fails, e.g. reset or hard shutdown, etc.support: MANDATORY
vmBootUpTimeOutInteger0..1Timeout value for the VNFM to wait before the successful booting up of the VDU.support: OPTIONAL

Class: VirtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




Provides a human readable name for the requirement.

support: MANDATORY




Provides a human readable description of the requirement.

support: MANDATORY
supportMandatoryBoolean1Indicates whether fulfilling the constraint is mandatory (TRUE) for successful operation or desirable (FALSE).support: MANDATORY
networkInterfaceRequirementsKeyValuePair0..NThe network interface requirements. An element from an array of key-value pairs that articulate the network interface deployment requirements.support: MANDATORY
nicIoRequirementsIdentifier (reference to logicalNodeData)0..1

This references (couples) the CPD with any logical node I/O requirements (for network devices) that may have been created. Linking these attributes is necessary so that so that I/O requirements that need to be articulated at the logical node level can be associated with the network interface requirements associated with the CPD.

support: MANDATORY

Class: VnfVirtualLinkDesc

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




Unique identifier of this internal VLD in VNFD.

support: MANDATORY
virtualLinkDescFlavourVirtualLinkDescFlavour1..NDescribes a specific flavour of the VL with specific bitrate requirements.support: MANDATORY
support: MANDATORY
testAccessString0..NSpecifies test access facilities expected on the VL (e.g. none, passive monitoring, or active (intrusive) loopbacks at endpoints).support: MANDATORY
descriptionString0..1Provides human-readable information on the purpose of the VL (e.g. control plane traffic).support: MANDATORY
monitoringParameterMonitoringParameter0..NDefines the virtualised resources monitoring parameters on VLD level. support: MANDATORY

Class: VnfDf

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




Identifier of this DF within the VNFD.

support: MANDATORY
descriptionString1Human readable description of the DF.support: MANDATORY
vduProfileVduProfile1..NDescribes additional instantiation data for the VDUs used in this flavor.support: MANDATORY

Defines the internal VLD along with additional data which is used in this DF.

NOTE 1: This allows for different VNF internal topologies between DFs.

NOTE 2: virtualLinkProfile needs to be provided for all VLs that the CPs of the VDUs in the VDU profiles connect to.

support: MANDATORY

Describes the various levels of resources that can be used to instantiate the VNF using this flavour.

Examples: Small, Medium, Large.

If there is only one "instantiationLevel" entry, it shall be treated as the default instantiation level for this DF.

support: MANDATORY

Specifies affinity or anti-affinity relationship applicable between the virtualisation containers (e.g. virtual machines) to be created using different VDUs or internal VLs to be created using different VnfVirtualLinkDesc(s) in the same affinity or anti-affinity group.

NOTE: In the present specification, including either VDU(s) or VnfVirtualLinkDesc(s) into the same affinity or anti-affinity group is supported. Extension to support including both VDU(s) and VnfVirtualLinkDesc(s) into the same affinity or anti-affinity group is left for future specification.



scalingAspectScalingAspect0..NThe scaling aspects supported by this DF of the VNF. scalingAspect shall be present if the VNF supports scaling.



placementGroupPlacementGroup0..NDetermine where VNFC's (VDU's) are placed with respect to the VNFsupport: EXPERIMENTAL
  • BaseConfigGroup may set Access Control Lists (ACL's) and establish security groups and server groups.
  • BaseConfigGroup creates/establishs storage for the VM's (OpenStack Cinder).
  • BaseConfigGroup may establish internal networks such as OAM (VNF Mgmt) or MNS (Maintenance & Surveillance)  established.
deploymentGroupDeploymentGroup1..NDeploymentGroup provides the minimum viable VDU and associated VNFC configuration for a useable VNF.support: EXPERIMENTAL

Class: VirtualLinkProfile

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes


Identifier (Reference to VnfVirtualLinkDesc)


Uniquely identifies a Vnf VLD.

support: MANDATORY
flavourIdIdentifier (Reference to VirtualLinkDescFlavour)1Identifies a flavour within the VnfVirtualLinkDesc.support: MANDATORY

Specifies affinity or anti-affinity rules applicable between the VLs based on this VnfVirtualLinkDesc.

When the cardinality is greater than 1, both affinity rule(s) and anti-affinity rule(s) with different scopes are applicable to the VLs based on this VnfVirtualLinkDesc.

support: MANDATORY

Identifier(s) of the affinity or anti-affinity group(s) the VnfVirtualLinkDesc belongs to.

NOTE: Each identifier references an affinity or anti-affinity group which expresses affinity or anti-affinity relationship between the VL(s) using this VnfVirtualLinkDesc and the VL(s) using other VnfVirtualLinkDesc(s) in the same group.

support: MANDATORY

Specifies the maximum bitrate requirements for a VL instantiated according to this profile.

NOTE: These attributes are used to control scaling boundaries.

support: MANDATORY

Specifies the minimum bitrate requirements for a VL instantiated according to this profile.

support: MANDATORY
initiationParametersKeyValuePair0..NSpecifies initiation parameters for the virtual link.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: specified values include: cidr, allocationPools (represented by [starting ip address, ending ip address]), gatewayIp, networkName, segmentationId, physicalNetwork.

networkTypeEnum0..1Type of the network.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: "VLAN", "VXLAN"

dhcpEnabledBoolean0..1Indicating whether DHCP is enabled. Default is "FALSE" if not specified otherwise.support: MANDATORY
vlanTransparentBoolean0..1Indicating whether "VLAN Transparent Mode" is supported. Default is "FALSE" if not specified otherwise.support: MANDATORY

Class: VirtualLinkDescFlavour

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




Identifies a flavour within a VnfVirtualLinkDesc.

support: MANDATORY
qosQoS0..1QoS of the VL.support: MANDATORY

Class: LinkBitrateRequirements

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




Throughput requirement of the link (e.g. bitrate of E-Line, root bitrate of E-Tree, aggregate capacity of E-LAN).

support: MANDATORY

Throughput requirement of leaf connections to the link when applicable to the connectivity type (e.g. for E-Tree and E?LAN branches).

NOTE: The present document does not specify the means to declare different bitrate requirements for leaf connections (e.g. E-LAN leaves).

support: MANDATORY

Class: InstantiationLevel

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




Uniquely identifies a level with the DF.

support: MANDATORY
descriptionString1Human readable description of the level.support: MANDATORY
vduLevelVduLevel1..NIndicates the number of instance of this VDU to deploy for this level.support: MANDATORY

Specifies bitrate requirements applicable to virtual links created from particular virtual link descriptors for this level.

NOTE: If not present, it is assumed that the bitrate requirements can be derived from those specified in the VduCpd instances applicable to the internal VL. If present in both the InstantiationLevel and the VduCpd instances applicable to the internal VL, the highest value takes precedence.

support: MANDATORY
scaleInfoScaleInfo0..NRepresents for each aspect the scale level that corresponds to this instantiation level. scaleInfo shall be present if the VNF supports scaling.support: MANDATORY

Class: ScaleInfo

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes


Identifier (Reference to ScalingAspect)


Reference to the scaling aspect.

support: MANDATORY
scaleLevelInteger1The scale level, greater than or equal to 0.support: MANDATORY

Class: VduLevel

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes


Identifier (Reference to Vdu)


Uniquely identifies a VDU.

support: MANDATORY
numberOf InstancesInteger1Number of instances of VNFC based on this VDU to deploy for an instantiation level or for a scaling delta.support: MANDATORY

Class: QoS

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




Maximum latency in ms.

support: MANDATORY
packetDelayVariationNumber1Maximum jitter in ms.support: MANDATORY
packetLossRatioNumber0..1Maximum packet loss ratio. Cardinality is 0 if no packetLossRatio requirement exists.support: MANDATORY

Class: LocalAffinityOrAntiAffinityRule

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




Specifies whether the rule is an affinity rule or an anti-affinity rule.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: "Affinity", "Anti-Affinity"

scopeEnum1Specifies the scope of the rule.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: "NFVI-PoP", "Zone", "ZoneGroup", "NFVI-node"

Class: AffinityOrAntiAffinityGroup

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




Identifies an affinity or anti-affinity group to which the affinity or anti-affinity rule applies.

support: MANDATORY

typeEnum1Specifies whether the rule is an affinity rule or an anti-affinity rule.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: "Affinity", "Anti-Affinity"

scopeEnum1Specifies the scope of the rule.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: "NFVI-PoP", "Zone", "ZoneGroup", "NFVI-node"

Class: AddressData

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




Describes the type of the address to be assigned to the CP instantiated from the parent CPD. The content type shall be aligned with the address type supported by the layerProtocol attribute of the parent CPD.

support: MANDATORY




Provides the information on the MAC addresses to be assigned to the CP(s) instantiated from the parent CPD.

Shall be present when the addressType is MAC address.

support: MANDATORY


Provides the information on the IP addresses to be assigned to the CP instantiated from the parent CPD.

Shall be present when the addressType is IP address.

support: MANDATORY

Class: L2AddressData

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




Specify if the MAC address assignment is the responsibility of management and orchestration function or not.

If it is set to True, it is the management and orchestration function responsibility.

If it is set to False, it will be provided by an external entity, e.g. OSS/BSS. 

support: MANDATORY

Class: L3AddressData

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




Specify if the address assignment is the responsibility of management and orchestration function or not.

If it is set to True, it is the management and orchestration function responsibility.

support: MANDATORY

floatingIpActivatedBoolean1Specify if the floating IP scheme is activated on the CP or not.

support: MANDATORY


Define address type.

NOTE: The address type should be aligned with the address type supported by the layerProtocol attribute of the parent Cpd.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: "IPv4", "IPv6"

numberOfIpAddressInteger0..1Minimum number of IP addresses to be assigned based on this L3AddressData information element.

support: MANDATORY

Class: CpProtocolData

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




One of the values of the attribute layerProtocol of the Cpd IE.

support: MANDATORY

addressDataAddressData0..NProvides information on the addresses to be assigned to the CP(s) instantiated from the CPD.

support: MANDATORY

Class: ConnectivityType

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




Identifies the protocol this VL gives access to (Ethernet, MPLS, ODU2, IPV4, IPV6, Pseudo-Wire).

support: MANDATORY

flowPatternString0..1Identifies the flow pattern of the connectivity (Line, Tree, Mesh).

support: MANDATORY

Class: VirtualCpuPinningData

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




The policy can take values of "static" or "dynamic". In case of "static" the virtual CPU cores are requested to be allocated to logical CPU cores according to the rules defined in virtualCpuPinningRules. In case of "dynamic" the allocation of virtual CPU cores to logical CPU cores is decided by the VIM. (e.g.: SMT (Simultaneous Multi-Threading) requirements).

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: "static", "dynamic"


Not specified

Editor's note: need to be specified

0..1A list of rules that should be considered during the allocation of the virtual CPUs to logical CPUs in case of "static" virtualCpuPinningPolicy.

support: MANDATORY

Class: RequestedAdditionalCapabilityData

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




Identifies a requested additional capability for the VDU.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: For acceleration capabilities, reference to ETSI GS NFV-IFA 002.



1Indicates whether the requested additional capability is mandatory for successful operation.

support: MANDATORY

minRequestedAdditionalCapabilityVersionString0..1Identifies the minimum version of the requested additional capability.

support: MANDATORY

preferredRequestedAdditionalCapabilityVersionString0..1Identifies the preferred version of the requested additional capability.support: MANDATORY
targetPerformanceParametersKeyValuePair1..NIdentifies specific attributes, dependent on the requested additional capability type.support: MANDATORY

Class: VnfConfigurableProperties

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




It permits to enable (TRUE)/disable (FALSE) the auto-scaling functionality.

NOTE: A cardinality of "0" indicates that configuring this present VNF property is not supported.

support: MANDATORY


It permits to enable (TRUE)/disable (FALSE) the auto-healing functionality.

NOTE: A cardinality of "0" indicates that configuring this present VNF property is not supported.

support: MANDATORY

additionalConfigurablePropertyString0..NIt provides VNF specific configurable properties that can be modified using the ModifyVnfInfo operation.

support: MANDATORY

Class: VnfcConfigurableProperties

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




It provides VNFC configurable properties that can be modified using the ModifyVnfInfo operation.

NOTE: A cardinality of "0" indicates that configuring this present VNF property is not supported.

support: MANDATORY

Class: LifecycleManagementScript

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes




Describes VNF lifecycle event(s) or an external stimulus detected on a VNFM reference point.

NOTE: At least one of these two attributes shall be included.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: for lifecycle events, include: "EVENT_START_INSTANTIATION", "EVENT_END_INSTANTIATION", "EVENT_START_SCALING", "EVENT_END_SCALING", "EVENT_START_SCALING_TO_LEVEL", "EVENT_END_SCALING_TO_LEVEL", "EVENT_START_HEALING", "EVENT_END_HEALING", "EVENT_START_TERMINATION", "EVENT_END_TERMINATION", "EVENT_START_VNF_FLAVOR_CHANGE", "EVENT_END_VNF_FLAVOR_CHANGE", "EVENT_START_VNF_OPERATION_CHANGE", "EVENT_END_VNF_OPERATION_CHANGE", "EVENT_START_VNF_EXT_CONN_CHANGE", "EVENT_END_VNF_EXT_CONN_CHANGE", "EVENT_START_VNFINFO_MODIFICATION", "EVENT_END_VNFINFO_MODIFICATION"; for external stimulus, include: receipt of request message of instantiation, scaling, healing, termination, change of VNF flavour, change of the operation state of the VNF, change of external VNF connectivity, modification of VNF information or the receipt of a notification regarding the change of a VNF indicator value.


Describes the transition VNF lifecycle event(s) that cannot be mapped to any of the enumerated values defined for the event attribute.

NOTE: At least one of these two attributes shall be included.

support: MANDATORY

scriptString1Information to locate a VNF LCM script (e.g. written in a DSL as specified in requirement VNF_PACK.LCM.001) triggered to react to one of the events listed in the event attribute.support: MANDATORY
scriptDslString1Defines the domain specific language (i.e. the type) of script that is provided. Types of scripts could include bash, python, etc.support: MANDATORY

Array of KVP requirements with the key as the parameter name and the value as the parameter that need to be passed as an input to the script.

NOTE: The scriptInput values are passed to the scripts in addition to the parameters received in the operation invocation request or indicator value change.

support: MANDATORY

Class: VnfIndicator

Editor's note: may related to DCAE/VES projects

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes
idIdentifier1Unique identifier.support: MANDATORY
nameString0..1The human readable name of the VnfIndicator.support: MANDATORY
indicatorValueString1..NDefines the allowed values or value ranges of this indicator.support: MANDATORY
sourceEnum1Describe the source of the indicator. This tells the consumer where to send the subscription request.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: "VNF", "EM", "Both"

Class: MonitoringParameter

Editor's note: may related to DCAE/VES projects

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes
idIdentifier1Unique identifier of the monitoring parameter.support: MANDATORY
nameString0..1Human readable name of the monitoring parameter.support: MANDATORY
performanceMetricString1Identifies the virtualised resource performance metric.support: MANDATORY

Not specified

Editor's note: need to be specified


An attribute that describes the recommended periodicity at which to collect the performance information.

VNFM determines if this parameter is considered.

The vendor may provide this information as a guidance for creating PmJobs if needed.

NOTE: The MANO or NFVI may not support the recommended collectionPeriod based on their functionalities, and can reject the requests based on the recommended collectionPeriod in this case.

support: MANDATORY

Class: VnfdElementGroup

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes
vnfdElementGroupIdIdentifier1Unique identifier of this group in the VNFD.support: MANDATORY
descriptionString1Human readable description of the group.support: MANDATORY
vduIdentifier (Reference to Vdu)0..NReferences to Vdus that are part of this group.support: MANDATORY

Identifier (Reference to VnfVirtualLinkDesc) 

0..NReferences to VnfVirtualLinkDesc that are part of this group.support: MANDATORY

Class: PlacementGroup (Experimental)

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes
elementGroupIdIdentifier1Unique identifier of this group in the VNFD.support: MANDATORY
placementStrategyEnum1Determine where VNFC's (VDU's) are placed with respect to the VNF.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: "co-location", "isolation", "exclusively"


  • Co-location - members of the group share the same physical host or rack.
  • isolation - members of the group do not share the same physical host or rack.
  • Exclusivity - members have sole use of a given physical host or rack (not shared with any vnfcs outside the group).

Not specified

(should it be Identifier (Reference to Vdu)?)

0..NReferences to Vdus that are part of this group.support: MANDATORY
strategyScopeEnum1indicate if the strategy is applied at the host or rack level

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: "host", "rack"

Class: BaseConfigGroup (Experimental)

Class: DeploymentGroup (Experimental)

Class: VnfInfoModifiableAttributes

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes

Not specified

Editor's note: need to be specified

0..N"Extension" attributes of VnfInfo that are writeable.support: MANDATORY

Not specified

Editor's note: need to be specified

0..N"Metadata" attributes of VnfInfo that are writeable.support: MANDATORY