Categories to use in SDC project

Categories to use in SDC project

This is a list of all currently available categories in sdc project:

There are two types of categories:

  1. Service categories

  2. Resource categories

The yaml file for the categories can be found here: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=sdc.git;a=tree;f=catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/categories

Each time a new category is being added to the file the next time sdc is being booted the new category should be loaded and ready to use in SDC

For each category the explanation is as followed:

Mobility - The name of the category as it's saved in the project name: "Mobility" - The display name of the category icons: ['mobility'] - The icons that can be used for this category

(All the icons can be found in this directory in the sdc project: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=sdc.git;a=tree;f=catalog-ui/src/assets/styles/images)

Service Categories

Service Categories
Mobility: name: "Mobility" icons: ['mobility'] Network_L1_3: name: "Network L1-3" icons: ['network_l_1-3'] Network_L4: name: "Network L4+" icons: ['network_l_4'] VoIP_Call_Control: name: "VoIP Call Control" icons: ['call_controll'] E2E_Service: name: "E2E Service" icons: ['network_l_1-3'] Network_Service: name: "Network Service" icons: ['network_l_1-3']

Resource Categories

Network Layer 23 Categories
NetworkLayer23: name: "Network L2-3" subcategories: Router: name: "Router" icons: ['router','vRouter'] Gateway: name: "Gateway" icons: ['gateway'] WAN_Connectors: name: "WAN Connectors" icons: ['network','connector','port'] LAN_Connectors: name: "LAN Connectors" icons: ['network','connector','port'] Infrastructure: name: "Infrastructure" icons: ['ucpe']
Network Layer 4 Categories
NetworkLayer4: name: "Network L4+" subcategories: Common_Network_Resources: name: "Common Network Resources" icons: ['network']
Application Layer 4 Categories
Generic Categories
Network Connectivity Categories
DCAE Component Categories
Template Categories
Allotted Resource Categories