CPS Release Process

CPS Release Process

Deliver Release Artifacts

Way of Working in Gerrit











Any Release

Update release notes
Note. Check documentation configuration and release instructions on: Create documentation for an ONAP release (ONAP project teams) 

Note. Also update the openapi info.version property with the version we are releasing for cps-core , NCMP and NCMP-inventory openapi yaml files and onap-dmi-plugin repo.

Release notes available on https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-cps/en/latest/release-notes.html





Update read-the-docs copies of openapi documentation e.g. for CPS-Core, NCMP and ONAP-DMI-PLUGIN.

Note : We have configured a plugin which takes care of copying the generated openapi spec files from the target directory to the docs folder. So no manual intervention needed.

Just double check during release creation if the latest changes are committed.

cps-and-ncmp openapi.yaml
cps-rest/target/generated-sources/openapi/openapi.yaml → docs/api/swagger/cps/openapi.yaml cps-ncmp-rest/target/generated-sources/openapi/openapi.yaml → docs/api/swagger/ncmp/openapi.yaml cps-ncmp-rest/target/generated-sources/openapi/openapi-inventory.yaml → docs/api/swagger/ncmp/openapi-inventory.yaml
onap-dmi-plugin openapi.yaml
target/generated-sources/openapi/openapi/openapi.yaml → docs/api/swagger/openapi.yaml

Note 1. Run mvn clean install locally first to get required files in target subfolders

Note 2. This step can be skipped if there are no OPEN API changes

Latest (amalgamated) openapi.yaml available in read-the-docs



For DMI Plugin and update any CPS Core release dependency, if needed:

  • ncmp-dmi-plugin/pom.xml (cps.version property)
    Note : This step to be only done when creating release of onap-dmi-plugin





Go to latest Gerrit merged review of repo and comment 'stage-release'

  • maven-stage Jenkins job is triggered

  • maven-docker-stage Jenkins job is triggered

  • Maven artifacts are published to Nexus 2 autorelease repository

  • Docker images are published to Nexus 3 registry


Job maven-stage-master https://jenkins.onap.org/job/cps-maven-stage-master/956/

Job maven-docker-stage-master https://jenkins.onap.org/job/cps-maven-docker-stage-master/948/




Job maven-stage-master
cps-ncmp-dmi-plugin-maven-stage-master #702 [Jenkins]

Job maven-docker-stage-master

cps-ncmp-dmi-plugin-maven-docker-stage-master #702 [Jenkins]


Add and merge 'x.y.z.yaml' file to releases folder of the repository root.

It describes the release and refers to maven-stage job previously ran.

Note. this file should NOT contain 'tag_release=false'

Maven artifacts are published to maven release repository





Add and merge 'x.y.z-container.yaml' file to releases folder of the repository root.

It describes the release and refers to maven-docker-stage job previously ran.
Set "ref" to the (full) SHA of the last git commit or the commit of the stage release
Note opinions difference what commit it should be exactly , fact is the ref. value is for  '(future) reference only' The process will complete either way and which commit exactly is bring referred too is quiet moot (not important)

Take the latest built image, retag it without the timestamp :

e.g. SO release file

container_release_tag: '1.1.0' ... ... containers:     - name: 'cps-and-ncmp'       version: '1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-20210609T102555Z'


Docker image is published to docker release repository




Note : To get the 'version' for the YAML file you should look up the full console log of the cps-maven-docker-stage-master job from step 4 and search for : 'Built image to Docker daemon as nexus3.onap.org:10003/onap/cps-and-ncmp'. Then you will find the correct version number with the timestamp.


Prepare the next drop by bumping patch version (3rd digit)

  1. Update all pom files; set to x.y.z-SNAPSHOT by running "mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=<snapshot version>"

  2. In \version.properties, set to x.y.z

  3. Add section in \docs\release-notes.rst for next release





Once versions are bumped update the docker-compose file and update the latest images

  • cps-core : docker-compose.yaml

  • ncmp-dmi-plugin: docker-compose.yaml




Update https://gerrit.onap.org/r/q/project:oom with the release specific changes: 
Note. Use [CPS] prefix for OOM commit message

  • Update /kubernetes/cps/values.yaml with new image versions

  • Update /kubernetes/cps/resources/config/application.yml if properties need to be added or updated.

Before pushing changes to the release-specific OOM branch, it is required to push them to master first. If it can not be done, then specify a reason in the release-specific change (for example, image version number is branch specific and it is expected that it could be different in master branch and release branch).


Note : OOM updates can be delegated to the team which uses it. We at EST are currently not using OOM hence not maintaining it.


Only when Branching

Create the (previous) release branch in Gerrit for the version you are releasing e.g. 'istanbul'. 
Has to be done manually (e.g. here: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/admin/repos/cps,branches)  by users with committer rights

Note : The branch is created in ONAP gerrit. After sync happens the branch is available in NORDIX for Step-13.
Sync happens by a scheduled job , but we can request infra team to trigger it forcefully.




In ci-management repo, configure new Jenkins jobs for the release branch by adding a new release stream to the project. e.g. https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/ci-management/+/118868/1/jjb/cps/cps.yaml


Jobs for cps-and-ncmp and onap-dmi-plugin


On Master branch increase Minor version of Master branch (2nd digit)

  • In pom files, set to x.y.z-SNAPSHOT by running "mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=<snapshot version>"

  • In version.properties, set to x.y.z





On (previous) release (e.g. oslo) branch:

  •  update ".gitreview" (change "defaultbranch" value)





Note : Make sure you are on the previous release branch in order to do these changes.

Steps to Deliver Release Patches

  1. Decide with team if a bug should be dropped back to previous release or not, consider things like (use fix-version field in Jira to indicate this)

    1. bug was reported by user of previous release (easy decision )

    2. bug exposes behavior that was not in line with acceptance criteria for a user story that was delivered in previous release

  2. Make the fix and have it merged in master branch

    1. use minimal code to avoid merge/drop back issues

    2. specific test for bug fix should be included where possible

  3. Cherry pick the fix from master branch to release branch

    1. From Gerrit:

      1. Navigate to ... / Cherry Pick

      2. Fill the form with the release branch name (honolulu) in "Cherry Pick to branch" field and click "Cherry Pick"

    2. Using local branch (to resolve cherry-pick conflicts):

      1. Create local branch from honolulu  (create branch & switch to branch)

      2. Cherry-pick commit from master branch

      3. Resolve conflicts

      4. Continue cherry-pick (git cherry-pick --continue)

      5. git push origin HEAD:refs/for/honolulu (or git review)

  4. Review patch by peers as normal

    1. Ensure that Gerrit merge requests both in master and release branches have the same Change-Id value (ex: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/q/Ia58a8dfcf427e373b24bb3be7436abf6abd55492). Then, related fixes can be easily filtered and clicking on the Change-Id from one change provides the list of all related ones.

  5. Update Release version in a separate commit if and when required
    A few bugs can be combined in one patch.
    Release notes doc should be updated too
    Typically only the 'patch' number (last digit) should be increased. See also

    1. Release Versioning Strategy (proposal for Honolulu)

    2. ONAP API Common Versioning Strategy (CVS) Guidelines

  6. Once the fix is in release branch, deliver releases artifacts from release branch as described in previous section.

Preparing for third party (stakeholder) testing of specific features  before general (onap) release

  1. Ensure a Jira is created and shared with stakeholder to track the required change

    1. CPS Team might create dependent (blocking) Jira's link to the main Jira as required

  2. Common Acceptance criteria:

    1. latest RTD Design docs get update with relevant APIs (e.g. https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-cps/en/latest/design.html)

    2. latest RTD Release Note (new snapshot section) wil be updated with the delivered Jira (from step 1)  (similar to https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-cps/en/latest/release-notes.html#version-2-0-1)

    3. CSIT test wil be updated/added to cover new functionality

    4. Demo to stakeholder (this is really the best sign it is -almost-  done to the stakeholder)

  3. Jira can be closed (stakeholder can subscribe to notifications about this)

  4. Stakeholder team can take source and using their own preferred process build new images for testing

This does NOT include:

  • Version updates ie. CPS will only update version as is required for the ONAP release process

  • (Docker) image building



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