Bulk Operation

  1. Choose Issues
  2. Choose Operation
  3. Operation Details
  4. Confirmation

Step 1 of 4: Choose issues

T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due
Sub-task SO-2478

SO-2295 Confirm Test working on live system

Unassigned Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task SO-2477

SO-2295 Get Live Data for Tests

Unassigned Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task SO-2476

SO-2295 Kickoff Script

Unassigned Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task SO-2475

SO-2295 Store required IP's and commit a mass Healthcheck

Unassigned Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task SO-2473

SO-2295 Prepare VNFM Simulator and add it to MSB

Unassigned Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task SO-2472

SO-2295 Create Workaround and Teardown for Live System

Unassigned Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task SO-2471

SO-2295 Distribute a Service via Robot Framekwork

Unassigned Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task SO-2457

SO-2295 Edit SO architecture.rst, to add link to further VNFM Adapter/ETSI CSIT documentation

Former user (Inactive) Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Done  
Sub-task SO-2449

SO-2295 Setup configuration for running CSIT Tests on live ONAP. (Docker-compose, override.yamls, teardown..)

Unassigned Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task SO-2448

SO-2295 Onboarding an SDC Service Template. To run the CSIT Tests on a live ONAP.

Unassigned Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task SO-2342

SO-2295 Create a CSIT test for ETSI VNF termination/delete

Former user (Inactive) Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Done 27/Sep/19
Sub-task SO-2338

SO-2295 Running CSIT Tests against a fully deployed system

Former user (Inactive) Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Done 18/Oct/19
Sub-task SO-2336

SO-2295 Speed up distribution of service in ETSI Csit Tests

Former user (Inactive) Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Done 27/Sep/19
Sub-task SO-2296

SO-2295 Test latest images against the Latest CSIT Tests

Former user (Inactive) Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Done 24/Sep/19
Sub-task SO-2288

SO-2295 Enable running CSIT Etsi-Integration Tests against locally-built docker images

Former user (Inactive) Former user (Inactive) Low Closed Done 13/Sep/19
Sub-task SO-1952

SO-2295 Move the VNFM Simulator into CSIT and Deploy it

Former user (Inactive) Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Done 11/Oct/19
Sub-task SO-1899

SO-2295 Test VNF Instantiation and Termination with Multiple VNFD on-boarded in one service

Unassigned Byung-Woo Jun Medium Closed Done  
Sub-task SO-1631

SO-2295 VNFM Simulator Enhancement and Refactoring

Unassigned Byung-Woo Jun Medium Closed Done  
