Bulk Operation

  1. Choose Issues
  2. Choose Operation
  3. Operation Details
  4. Confirmation

Step 1 of 4: Choose issues

T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due
Sub-task LOG-1047

LOG-898 adjust cd script for dublin pod additions, cloud timing override and --recurse-subfolders oom clone chart ownership changes

Former user (Inactive) Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task LOG-991

LOG-898 Validate SO openstack helm parameters from within k8s - before we deploy the system

Former user (Inactive) Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task LOG-989

LOG-898 Adjust wait time for cd.sh for managed sequenced deploy

Former user (Inactive) Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Done  
Sub-task LOG-982

LOG-898 Align POMBA data-router from 1.3.1 (pre 3.0.0) with 3.0.1 aai change under 1.3.3

Former user (Inactive) Former user (Inactive) High Closed Done  
Sub-task LOG-929

LOG-898 Retrofit cd.sh with INT manifest override script as per oom/manifest source of truth - TSC-86

Former user (Inactive) Former user (Inactive) High Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task LOG-925

LOG-898 Adjust deployment dependency list - msb must be before dcaegen2

Former user (Inactive) Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Done  
Sub-task LOG-924

LOG-898 Kubernetes chart dependencies - make all 105 in 87 files conditional - post yaml for cd

Former user (Inactive) Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task LOG-923

LOG-898 Add external yaml/json/csv deployment profile config either on CLI or via WGET to avoid hardcoding dependency list

Former user (Inactive) Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task LOG-921

LOG-898 vFW automating - use and triage

Former user (Inactive) Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task LOG-905

LOG-898 docker_prepull.sh script for casablanca

Former user (Inactive) Former user (Inactive) Medium Closed Done  
